1. Background

在UNIX出现前, 程序必须明确指出链接到哪些输入和输出, 因此, 执行任何I/O操作前, 程序需先获取一系列环境配置和硬件配置, 且每个系统的配置大不相同, 导致程序开发十分困难. UNIX的一切皆文件概念让程序执行I/O操作的成本大大降低, 程序可通过UNIX filesystem访问一切资源, 包括机器服务和外部设备; 借助简化的文件模型, 程序可从一个有序字节序列中读取数据, 直到文件结尾, 无需知道各个设备的底层信息.
UNIX并不是一个操作系统的名称, 而表示一系列操作系统, 当UNIX衍生出不同系统实现时, UNIX变体之间的代码移植变得愈发困难, 因此诞生了POSIX标准: 若程序遵循POSIX标准定义的接口, 则程序可在支持POSIX标准的不同UNIX变体之间移植.
C语言也需要自己的可移植性: ANSI C. 该标准规范了C语言的语法和语义, 还有其标准库, 让C语言适配不同操作系统, 当然包括UNIX.
Layers of Abstraction

2. Introduction of Standard

C语言并没有将I/O操作构建到语言中, 而是让其作为外部库. ANSI C将I/O函数统一放置在stdio.h, 称为Standard I/O; 与之相对, UNIX的I/O操作称为File I/O. 以下是两者的差别:

  • File I/O由POSIX Standard制定; Standard I/O由ANSI C制定
  • FIle I/O兼容遵循POSIX的UNIX系统实现; Standard I/O兼容主流操作系统, 包含UNIX之外的操作系统
  • File I/O的所有操作都需要kernel参与, 因此涉及到user mode与kernel mode的切换; Standard I/O作为一个函数库, 在user mode执行, 必要时需调用File I/O
  • Standard I/O引入了许多新概念和特性: Stream, line-by-line input, formatted output, buffered I/O, safe writing

大部分情况下, Standard I/O更适合开发程序, 但开发者仍需学习File I/O:

  • 了解File I/O可帮助理解系统概念, 如进程如何管理文件
  • 有时Standard I/O无法实现需求, 如获取文件的metadata

3. I/O Stream and FILE Objects

File I/O中, 程序通过file descriptor读取, 修改, 或删除文件; Standard I/O中, 程序通过stream操作文件. Stream不是一个设备或文件, 而是一个线性队列, 可从stream读取一个block的数据, 也可以向stream写入一个block的数据.
Standard I/O支持wide character(宽字符), 也就是说, 每个字符由一个或多byte组成, 而不是ASCII的单byte. 处理单字符的函数称为normal character function(如fread, fwrite, fgetc等), 处理宽字符的函数称为wide character function(如fgetwc, fgetws, fputwc等). normal character function不能与wide character function混用, 否则会发生编码错误.
stream orientation表示stream的字符类型, Standard I/O通过stream orientation判断当前stream的字符类型为normal character或wide character. stream一旦确定stream orientation就无法更改, 以下是指定orientation的三种方法:

  • 若stream使用任意normal character function, 该stream确定为not wide oriented
  • 若stream使用任意wide character function, 该stream确定为wide oriented
  • 使用fwide设置orientation
* @brief set and determine the orientation of a FILE stream
* @param mode if `mode` is zero, fwide() determines the current
* orientation of stream. If mode is non-zero, fwide() will
* attempt to set orientation(If not been set).
* * mode > 0: byte-character oriented
* * mode < 0: wide-character oriented
* @return the orientation of stream after changing it.
int fwide(FILE* stream, int mode);

4. Buffered I/O

对于File I/O, 读取数据的流程如下:

  1. 用户进程通过read()向Kernel发送system call, 从user mode切换到kernel mode
  2. CPU利用DMA(Direct Memory Access) controller将数据从硬盘读取到kernel mode的read buffer
  3. CPU将数据从read buffer拷贝到user mode的user buffer
  4. 切回user mode, read()执行完毕

若进程频繁调用read(), 需进行多次磁盘I/O操作, 根据局部性原理, 操作系统引入了Page Cache(页缓存)来减少磁盘访问: 当进程调用read()时, 会首先检查数据是否在page cache中, 若存在, 则直接从page cache读取; 若不在, 则从磁盘读取, 并将后面的几个页面一并读取到页缓存. 当进程调用write()时, 会先写入page cache, 由操作系统决定何时刷入磁盘.
Standard I/O的操作函数有自己的stdio buffer, 该buffer处于user mode, 这样避免在user mode和kernel mode之间频繁切换.
Summary of I/O Buffering

stdio buffer分为三种:

  1. Block buffered: buffer空间耗尽, 进程调用fflush(), 或进程退出时执行I/O操作.
  2. Line buffered: buffer空间耗尽, 遇到newline(\n), 进程调用fflush(), 或进程退出时执行I/O操作.
  3. Unbuffered: 不缓存任何数据, 每次调用I/O函数都会执行I/O操作.

stdio buffer具有以下属性:

  1. stdin和stdout都必须使用fully buffered, 除非他们对应的不是interactive device.
  2. stderr永不使用fully buffered.
* @param mode must be one of the following macros:
* * _IONBF: unbuffered
* * _IOLBF: line buffered
* * _IOFBF: fully buffered
* @param buf should point to a buffer at least `size` bytes long
* if mode is _IOLBF or _IOFBF
int setvbuf(FILE* stream, char* buf, int mode, size_t size);

* @brief stream buffering operations
* @param buf if is not null, then use fully buffered; otherwise
* use unbuffered
void setbuf(FILE* stream, char* buf);

Summary of the setbuf and setvbuf functions

注意: buffer所能使用的空间小于size, 因为其中一部分空间要用于存放操作记录. 通常情况下不需要自己申请buffer, 关闭stream时会自动释放buffer. 任何时刻进程都可执行flush:

* @brief forces a write of all user-space buffered data for the
* given output or update stream via the stream's underlying
* write function
* @param stream if is NULL, fflush() flushes all open output streams
int fflush(FILE* steam);

setvbuf()只有在打开stream后, 执行I/O操作前使用.

5. Open a Stream

* @brief open the file pointed to by `pathname` and associates a
* stream with it
* @param mode points to a string beginning with one of the
* following values:
* * r: Open text file for reading. The stream is positioned
* at the beginning of the file.
* * r+: Open for reading and writing. The stream is positioned
* at the beginning of the file.
* * w: Truncate to zero length or create text file for writing.
* The stream is positioned at the beginning of the file.
* * w+: Open for reading and writing. Create new file if it
* does not exist, otherwise it is truncated. The stream is
* positioned at the beginning of the file.
* * a: Open for appending. The file is created if it does not
* exist. The stream is positioned at the end of the file.
* * a+: Open for reading and appending. The file is created if
* it does not exist. Output is always appended to the end of
* the file.
FILE* fopen(const char* pathname, const char* mode);

* @brief associates a stream with `fd`. This function can be used
* for special types of files which cannot be open by fopen().
FILE* fdopen(int fd, const char *mode);

* @brief open the file whose name is the string pointed to by
* `pathname` and associate the stream pointed to by `stream`.
* The original stream is closed if it exists.
FILE* freopen(const char* pathname, const char* mode, FILE* stream);

* @brief flush the stream and close the underlying file descriptor.
* @return 0 on success; EOF on error and errno is set.
int fclose(FILE* stream);

The type argument for opening a standard I/O stream

若进程以可读写的方式打开文件, 由于stream使用buffer来缓存数据, 且input与output的切换会导致buffer内容被清空. 为避免数据丢失, 需遵守以下规则:

  • 执行output操作(如fwrite())后若进行input操作(如fread()), 需在两个操作之间执行fflush, fseek, fsetpos, 或rewind
  • 执行input操作后若进行output操作, 需在两个操作之间运行fseek, fsetpos, rewind. 若input操作已经抵达EOF, 则无需该步骤.

6. Read and Write a Stream


  1. Character-at-a-time I/O: 一次读取或写入一个字符
  2. Line-at-a-time I/O: 一次读取或写入一行
  3. Direct I/O: 一次读取或写入固定长度的字符

6.1 Character-at-a-time


* @brief read the next character from `stream`
* @return character as an unsigned char on success; EOF on
* error
int getc(FILE* stream);

* @brief obtain the next byte as an unsigned char converted to an
* int, from the input stream pointed to by `stream`, and
* advance the file position indicator.
* But not like getc() working as a macro, fgetc() works as
* a function, it would be slower than getc().
int fgetc(FILE *stream);

* @brief get a byte from a stdin stream
int getchar(void);


* @brief push byte back specified by `c` back onto the input stream
* pointed to by `stream`. The Pushed-back character will be
* returned by subsequent reads in reverse order of their
* pushing.
* @param c if the value of `c` equals
EOF, the operation
shall fail and the input stream shall be left unchanged.
int ungetc(int c, FILE *stream);

* @brief put a byte on a stream
int putc(int c, FILE *fp);

* @brief same as putc(), but not like putc() working as a macro,
* fputc() works as a function
int fputc(int c, FILE *fp);

* @brief put a byte on a stdout stream, same way as putc(c, stdout).
int putchar(int c);

6.2 Line-at-a-Time I/O


* @brief read bytes from stream into the array pointed to by `s`
* until `n-1` bytes are read, or a newline is read, or an
* end-of-file condition is encountered

read in at most size-1 characters(The buffer is
* terminated with a null byte) from fp and stores
* them into the buffer pointed to by s.
char* fgets(char* s, int n, FILE* fp);

* @brief read a line from stdin into the buffer pointed to by `s`
* until a terminating newline or EOF. No check for buffer
* overrun. Never use this function.
char* gets(char* s);


* @brief write the null-terminated string pointed to by `s` to the
* stream pointed to by `stream`
int fputs(const char* s, FILE* stream);

* @brief write string s and a trailing newline to stdout
int puts(const char *s);

7. Binary I/O

有时要读取的数据太长, 导致getc()读取效率过低; 数据中含有大量null或newline, 导致gets()无法正确运行.

* @brief read `nobj` items of data, each `size` bytes long, from the
* stream pointed to by `stream`, storing them at the location
* given by `ptr`.
* @return the number of items read on success; short item
* count or zero on error.
size_t fread(void* ptr, size_t size, size_t nobj, FILE* stream);

* @brief write `nobj` items of data, each `size` bytes long, to the
* `stream` pointed to by `stream`, obtaining them from the
* location given by `ptr`.
* @return the number of uitems write on success; short item count or
* zero on error.
size_t fwrite(const void* ptr, size_t size, size_t nobj, FILE* stream);

8. Position a Stream

Standard I/O提供了ftell()fseek()设置文件位置.

* @brief obtain the current value of the file position indicator for
* the stream pointed to by `stream`.
long ftell(FILE* stream);

* @brief set the file position indicator for the stream pointed to
* by `stream`. The new position(in bytes) is obtained by adding
* `offset` bytes to the position specified by `whence`.
* @param whence must be one of the following values:
* * SEEK_SET: the start of the file
* * SEEK_CUR: the current position indicator
* * SEEK_END: send-of-file
int fseek(FILE* stream, long offset, int whence);

* @brief reset the file position indicator in a stream, equivalent to
* fseek(stream, 0, SEEK_SET);
void rewind(FILE *fp);

若文件大小超过long最大值, 则ftell()fseek()无法正确处理, 应避免使用ftell()fseek(), 而使用ftello()fseeko().

off_t ftello(FILE* stream);
int fseeko(FILE* stream, off_t offset, int whence);

有些系统的off_tlong都为32-bit, 但可通过设置_FILE_OFFSET_BITS = 64off_t改为64-bit.
ftello()fseeko()只适合处理ASCII编码的文件, 若文件使用其他编码, 需使用fgetpos()fsetpos().

* @brief store file position indicator for the stream pointed to by
* `stream` in the object pointed to by `pos`
* @return 0 on success; -1 on error and errno is set.
int fgetpos(FILE *fp, fpos_t *pos);

* @brief set file position indicators for the stream pointed to by
* `stream` according to the value of the object pointed to by
* `pos`, which the application shall ensure is a value obtained
* from an earlier call to fgetpos() on the same stream
int fsetpos(FILE *fp, fpos_t *pos);

9. Formatted I/O

9.1 Formatted Output

* @brief produce output according to a `format` to stdout
* @return the number of characters output on success; negative value
* on error.
int printf(const char* format, ...);

* @brief same as printf(), but write output to the given stream
int fprintf(FILE *fp, const char *format, ...);

* @brief same as printf(), but write output to the given file
* descriptor
int dprintf(int fd, const char *format, ...);

* @brief same as printf(), but write to the character string `buf`.
* It's possible to overflow the buffer pointed to by `buf`
* that can lead to program instability and security violation.
int sprintf(char *buf, const char *format, ...);

* @brief same as sprintf(), but explicit set the size of buffer.
* The part that exceed the size of buffer will be discarded.
int snprintf(char *buf, size_t size, const char *format, ...);

以下5个函数与上述函数功能相同, 但使用va_list替代...

int vprintf(const char *format, va_list ap);
int vfprintf(FILE *fp, const char *format, va_list ap);
int vdprintf(int fd, const char *format, va_list ap);
int vsprintf(char *str, const char *format, va_list ap);
int vsnprintf(char *str, size_t size, const char *format,
va_list ap);

所有printf函数都有一个format参数, 以%开始来描述输出的character的格式. 共有四个可选项


9.2 Formatted Input

* @brief scan input according to `format` from stdin
* @return the number of input items matched and assigned on success;
* EOF on error.
int scanf(const char* format, ...);

* @brief same as scanf(), but read input from the stream.
int fscanf(FILE* stream, const char* format, ...);

* @brief same as scanf(), but read input from the character string
* pointed to by str.
int sscanf(const char* str, const char* format, ...);

以下3个函数与上述函数功能相同, 但使用va_list替代...

int vscanf(const char *format, va_list ap);
int vsscanf(const char *str, const char *format, va_list ap);
int vfscanf(FILE *stream, const char *format, va_list ap);

Formatted Input也以%为起点来描述整个format参数. 共有三个可选项


10. Temporary Files


  • 内存不足时, 使用临时文件放置
  • 写入数据大于系统的地址空间时, 使用临时文件放置
  • 用于进程间的数据通信
* @brief returns a pointer to a string that is a valid filename that
* does not exist at some point in time, so that programmers
* can use it as a suitable name for a temporary file.
* @param ptr If ptr is NULL, the generated pathname is stored in
* a static area, and a pointer to this area is returned;
* If ptr is not NULL, and ptr is a array of at least L_tmpnam
* number of characters, the generated pathname is stored in
* this array, and ptr is returned
char* tmpnam(char* ptr);

* @brief create a temporary binary file that is automatically removed
* when it is closed or program termination.
FILE* tmpfile(void);

需要注意的是, 如果我们使用tmpnam()后, 使用其返回的文件名调用open()创建文件, 可能有其他进程创建同名文件, 因此需设置为open(filename, O_CREAT | O_EXCL | O_NOFOLLOW).

* @brief generate a uniquely named temporary directory from template.
* @param template the last six characters must be "XXXXXX" and these
* are replaced with a string that makes the directory name
* unique.
char* mkdtemp(char* template);

* @brief generate a unique temporary filename from `template`, create,
* open the file, and return an open file descriptor for the file.
* @param template The last six characters must be "XXXXXX" and these
* are replaced with a string that makes the filename unique.

create a regular file with a unique name and
* opens it. The temporary file will not be removed
* automatically. The file created with access
* permissions S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR.
* @param template same as mkdtemp(), the last six
* characters of template must be "XXXXXX".
* @return The file descriptor for reading and writing.
int mkstemp(char* template);
  • mkdtemp()创建的文件夹的权限为0700
  • mkstemp创建的文件的权限为0600

11. Memory Streams

Standard I/O会将数据缓存在buffer来加快处理速度, 且进程可创建自己的buffer. Single UNIX Specification Version 4后提供了memory streams来避免使用底层存储设备, 对于FILE stream的所有操作都在内存发生. 从而更快的处理数据.

* @brief open a stream that permits the access specified
* by type. The stream allows I/O to be performed on
* the memory buffer pointed to by buf. This buffer
* must be at least size bytes long.
* @param buf if buf is NULL, the function allocates a
* buffer of size bytes and the buffer will be freed
* when the stream is closed.
FILE* fmemopen(void *buf, size_t size, const char *type);

相对于file-based standard I/O streams, memrory stream有几点不同:

  1. Memory stream的type设置为append后, file position会设置为buffer中的第一个NULL byte的位置. 若buffer中没有NULL byte, 则以buffer最后一个字节为file position.
  2. 若buf为NULL, 则type不应设为只读或只写. 因为fmemopen()得到的stream无法获取buffer的地址, 所以写入的数据永远无法读取. 同理, buffer读取的内容永远无法修改或添加.
  3. 当调用fclose(), fflush(), fseek(), fseeko()或fsetpos()时会在当前file position处添加一个NULL byte.
* @brief open a stream for writing to a buffer. The buffer
* is dynamically allocated, and automatically grows
* as required. After closing the stream, the caller
* should free this buffer.
FILE *open_memstream(char **bufp, size_t *sizep);
FILE *open_wmemstream(wchar_t **bufp, size_t *sizep);