1. stat, fstat, fstatat, lstat

* @brief retrieve information about the file pointed to by
* pathname to buf. It returns information of file
* pointed by pathname if pathname is a symbolic link.
int stat(const char* pathname, struct stat* buf);

* @brief same as stat(), except the file about which information
* is to be retrieved is specified by file descriptor.
int fstat(int fd, struct stat* buf);

* @brief same as stat(), except returns the information of itself
* if pathname is a symbolic link.
int lstat(const char* pathname, struct stat* buf);

* @brief provide a general interface for accessing file
* information which can still provide the function of
* stat(), lstat() and fstat().
* @param flag can be either 0, or include one of the followings:
* 1. AT_EMPTY_PATH: If pathname is an empty string, operate
* on the file referred by dirfd.
* 2. AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW: Same as lstat(), returns the
* information of symbolic link instead the file referred
* by the link.
int fstatat(int dirfd, const char* pathname, struct stat* buf, int flag);

参数buf是为指向stat结构体的指针, stat的定义如下:

struct stat {
mode_t st_mode; /* file type & mode (permissions) */
ino_t st_ino; /* i-node number (serial number) */
dev_t st_dev; /* major device number */
dev_t st_rdev; /* minor device number */
nlink_t st_nlink; /* number of hard links */
uid_t st_uid; /* user ID of owner */
gid_t st_gid; /* group ID of owner */
dev_t st_rdev; /* device ID (if special file) */
off_t st_size; /* total size in bytes */
struct timespec st_atim; /* time of last access */
struct timespec st_mtim; /* time of last modification */
struct timespec st_ctim; /* time of last file status change */
blksize_t st_blksize; /* preferred block size for filesystem I/O */
blkcnt_t st_blocks; /* number of 512-byte blocks allocated */


struct timespec {
time_t tv_sec; /* second */
long tv_nsec; /* nanosecond */

2. File Types


  • Regular File(S_IFREG): 最常见的文件类型, 该文件类型负责保存数据, 无论二进制还是文本数据, 应用程序读取或更新该文件.
  • Directory File(S_IFDIR): 该文件可包含一些文件的名字或指向文件的指针, 可读取directory file, 但程序只能调用kernel function通过kernel向directory file写入文件
  • Special File: 也称为device file, 其意义在于将device呈现为文件系统中的一个file, 开发者可以像操作传统文件系统中的文件一样操作hardware device, 读写该类文件时, 请求会转交给device driver, 而不是由文件系统处理. 根据操作模式两种special file:
    • Block Special File(S_IFBLK): 该设备上的数据会被持久化, 反复读取, 且每次访问取出一块连续数据的block, 因此称为block device, 如/dev/disk0
    • Character Special File(S_IFCHR): 该设备上的数据只被读取一次, 顺序执行, 且每次访问只取1 byte, 因此称为character device, 如/dev/stdin
  • FIFO(S_IFIFO): 也称为pipe. UNIX的一大优势为IPC(进程间通信), 当一个进程与其他进程通信时, 可创建pipe向其他进程发送数据
  • Socket(S_IFSOCK): 可用于IPC, 但也可以通过网络传输数据
  • Symbolic Link(S_IFLNK): 该文件类型是对另一个文件的引用, 存储了引用文件的路径

stat结构体的st_mode表示文件类型, 可用以下macro判断文件是什么类型(m表示stat.st_mode):

  1. S_ISREG(m): 是否为regular file
  2. S_ISDIR(m): 是否为directory file
  3. S_ISCHR(m): 是否为character special file
  4. S_ISBLK(m): 是否为block special file
  5. S_ISFIFO(m): 是否为FIFO
  6. S_ISLNK(m): 是否为symbolic link
  7. S_ISSOCK(m): 是否为socket

3. User ID and Group ID

当用户使用计算机时, 需登录一个username, 通常来说, 一个username对应一个user ID. User通过group分类, 每个user可属于多个group, 同一group内的user可共享资源. 每个group有一个group name和group ID.
用户无法直接访问资源, 而是通过process(进程), POSIX standard为process规定了三种user ID:

  • Real User ID(RUID): 创建当前process的用户的user id, 表示当前进程属于哪个用户
  • Effective User ID(EUID): 系统用EUID判断当前process是否有权限访问资源, 创建进程时为RUID, 可通过seteuid将EUID改为执行文件所有者的user id.
  • Saved User ID(SUID): 当privileged process(EUID为root)降低自身权限时, 会先将EUID保存在SUID, 执行完毕后, 将EUID改回SUID.

POSIX Standard还为process规定了三种group ID:

  • Real Group ID(RGID): 创建当前process的用户所在的group的group id
  • Effective Group ID(EGID): 系统用EGID判断当前process是否有权限访问资源, 创建进程时维RGID, 可通过setegid将EGID改为执行文件所有者的group id
  • Saved Group ID(SGID): 当privileged process(EGID为root)降低自身权限时, 会先将EGID保存在SGID, 执行完毕后, 将EGID改回SGID

4. File Access Permissions

UNIX中的每一个文件都有权限设置, 由9个bit组成, 如rwxrwxrwx, 并分为三类:

  • owner: 第一组rwx, 文件所有者的权限
  • group: 第二组rwx, 文件所属组的权限
  • other: 第三组rwx, 其他人的权限


  • r: 查看文件内容, 或查看文件夹内的文件列表
  • w: 修改或删除文件, 或从文件夹中添加或删除文件
  • x: 运行可执行文件, 或搜索文件夹内文件, 但不能读取文件夹内的文件列表

有时文件的拥有者并不想其他进程修改或读取文件内容, 但需要其他进程执行该文件. 因此UNIX还增加三种额外的权限模式:

  • setuid(SUID): 进程执行该文件期间, 当前进程的EUID改为文件所有者的user id, 如rwsrwxrwx
  • setgid(SGID): 进程执行该文件期间, 当前进程的EGID改为文件所有者的group id, 如rwxrwsrwx
  • sticky(SBIT): 对于可执行文件, 即使进程运行结束, kernel也会将text segment保留在内存中, 但目前只有极少数UNIX系统应用; 对于文件夹, 即使进程拥有写入权限, 如果不是文件夹拥有者或root, 则不能重命名, 移动或删除里面的文件.

调用openchmod时, 可通过以下mode设置文件权限, 多个mode可通过OR(或运算)相连:

mode mask class permission
S_IRWXU 00700 user read, write, execute
S_IRUSR 00400 user read
S_IWUSR 00200 user write
S_IXUSR 00100 user execute
S_IRWXG 00070 group read, write, execute
S_IRGRP 00040 read read
S_IWGRP 00020 group write
S_IXGRP 00010 group execute
S_IRWXO 00007 other read, write, execute
S_IROTH 00004 other read
S_IWOTH 00002 other write
S_IXOTH 00001 other execute
S_ISUID 0004000 user set-user-ID
S_ISGID 0002000 group set-group-ID
S_ISVTX 0001000 other sticky bit


  1. 若EUID为0, 则当前进程为root, 允许操作
  2. 若当前进程的EUID与文件所有者的user ID相同, 则使用文件owner的权限模式
  3. 若当前进程的EGID与文件所有者的group ID相同, 则使用文件group的权限模式
  4. 使用other的权限模式

5. access and faccessat

* @brief check whether the calling process can access the file.
* If pathname is a symbolic link, it is deferenced.
* @param mode: specifies the accessibility of file.
* * F_OK: the existence of the file
* * R_OK: whether the file has read permission
* * W_OK: whether the file has write permission
* * X_OK: whether the file has execute permission
* @return zero is returned as all requested permissions granted;
* -1 is returned as error and errno is set.
int access(const char* pathname, int mode);

* @brief same as access(), but if the pathname is relative, it is
* interpreted relative to the directory referred to by dirfd.
* @param dirfd interpreted relative to the directory referred to by
dirfd if it is file descriptor; interpreted relative to the
current working directory of the calling process if dirfd is
the special value AT_FDCWD
* @param flag constructed by OR together zero or more of the
* following value:
* * AT_EACCESS: perform access checks using the effective
* user and group ID.
* * AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW: If pathname is a symbolic link,
* do not deference it.
int faccessat(int dirfd, const char* pathname, int mode, int flag);

6. umask

* @brief set the calling process's file mode creation to `mask` & 0777,
* used by open(), mkdir() and other system call.
* @return the previous value of the mask.
mode_t umask(mode_t mask);

7. chmod, fchmod, fchmodat

* @brief changes the mode of the file specified whose pathname
* is given in pathname (include file permission bits,
* set-user-ID, set-group-ID, and sticky bits)
int chmod(const char* pathname, mode_t mode);

* @brief change the mode of the file referred to by the open file
* descriptor `fd`
int fchmod(int fd, mode_t mode);

* @brief same as chmod(), but pathname can be relative path
* relative to directory referred to by dirfd.
* @param flag same as flag in faccessat()
int fchmodat(int dirfd, const char* pathname, mode_t mode, int flag);
  • chmod不会更改symbolic link的权限, 因为从不使用symbolic link的权限设置, 但chmod会更改symbolic link指向的文件的权限, 也会无视循环指向的symbolic link.
  • 只有当前进程的EUID与文件所有者的UID相同, 或为root权限时, 才能修改目标文件的mode.
  • 当前进程没有root权限, 且EGID不匹配文件的group id, 则无视S_ISGID 并返回错误
  • 一些UNIX系统只允许拥有root权限的用户在文件上设置sticky bit, 且拥有特殊意义

8. chown, fchown, fchownat, lchown

* @brief change owner and group of a file specified by `pathname`,
* dereferenced if it is a symbolic link
int chown(const char* pathname, uid_t owner, gid_t group);

* @brief changes the ownership of the file referred to by the open file
* descriptor `fd`
int fchown(int fd, uid_t owner, gid_t group);

* @brief same as chown()
* @param flags a bit mask created by ORing of the following values:
* * AT_EMPTY_PATH: If `pathname` is an empty string, operate on the
* file referred to by `dirfd`
* * AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW: If `pathname` is a symbolic link, do not
* dereference it.
int fchownat(int dirfd, const char* pathname, uid_t owner, gid_t group, int flag);

* @brief same as chown(), but does not deference symbolic links
int lchown(const char* pathname, uid_t owner, gid_t group);
  • 只有privileged process才能更改文件的owner; 文件的owner和privileged process都更改文件所属的group
  • chown的参数ownergroup为-1, 则不作任何更改
  • 若目标文件为可执行文件, 且当前进程为privileged process, 则目标文件的S_ISUIDS_ISGID会被清除

9. File Size

若文件为regular file, directory或symbolic link, stat的st_size表示文件占多少byte. 以下是一些特殊情况:

  • 若文件为regular file, st_size可为0, 文件的唯一字符为EOF.
  • 若文件为directory, 则st_size无法告知文件夹内的文件总大小, 只能通过递归不断查看每个文件的大小
  • 若文件为symbolic link, st_size表示pathname的长度

10. File Truction

* @brief shrink or extend the size of a file to the specified
* size. If the file previously was shorter, extended part
* reads as null bytes. If the file previously was larger
* than this size, the extra data lost.
* @return zero is returned on success; -1 is returned on error
* and errno is set.
int truncate(const char *pathname, off_t length);
int ftruncate(int fd, off_t length);

11. File System

File System(FS)负责数据存储和检索, 并通过device file提供对外部资源的访问(如打印机, 鼠标等). UNIX File System(UFS)受Berkley Fast File System启发, 是操作系统的核心组件,
UFS中, 每个device类型有一个固定的major device number, 每个device类型下的每个device都有一个minor device number. 以RAM为例, 其major device number为1, device类别为block, 第一个RAM的minor device number为0, 第二个为1, 其次递归.
Kernel通过block device switch tablecharacter device switch table与device driver沟通, 每个device类型占一项, 里面包含系统调用(如open)对应的device driver接口(如软盘driver的open). 调用device driver时, kernel需将minor device number作为参数传给driver, 保证driver使用正确的device.
UFS中, 物理磁盘被拆分为多个逻辑磁盘, 称为partition, 每个partition都是一个独立的FS, 因此当我们讨论FS时, 指代的是单个partition.
讨论文件存储前, 需先了解磁盘: 磁盘的最小存储单元为sector(扇区, 通常为512kb). 由于磁盘读取操作是一个费时操作, 因此UNIX不会一次只读取一个sector, 而是读取多个sector, 称为block, 通常block包含8个sector, 也就是4KB. 但UNIX需要一种方法来跟踪每个文件对应的block, 也就是inode. 以下是UFS中文件存储结构图:
Disk drive, partitions, and a file system

  • Boot Block: FS的第一个block, 其中包含bootstrap程序, 负责系统启动
  • Super Block:
    • inode数量, block总数, 空闲block数量, 空闲inode数量
    • 第一个block, block大小
    • cylinder group的data block数量
    • mount时长, write时长
    • 兼容性, volume信息
    • FS状态
  • cylinder group: 一个disk slice(磁盘片)拆为多个cylinder group, 一个cylinder group包含一个或多个连续disk cylinder(磁盘柱面). 一个cylinder group由以下组成:
    • superblock的copy
    • inode map: 指向每个inode的位置表
    • 可用block的bitmap
    • inode列表
    • data block略表: 包含文件的具体内容
  • inode: 包含一个文件的所有信息, 除了文件名(包含在文件夹内, 文件夹内的filename其实是指向inode的hard link), 每个inode占128字节.
    • 文件类型, 文件权限
    • UID, GID
    • 文件大小(byte)
    • 访问时间, 创建时间, 修改时间, 删除时间
    • Hard Link数量: 当该值为0, 文件将被删除
    • Flags

inode包含15个block pointer, 分别指向不同的data block. 前12个block为direct block pointer, 也就是说, 地址直接指向包含文件数据的block, 总共48KB; 若文件大于48KB, 则使用indirect block pointer:

  • 第13个block pointer: indirect block pointer, 该pointer指向的block只有direct block pointer, 总共4KB/4B*4KB = 4MB数据.
  • 第14个block pointer: double indirect block pointer, 该pointer指向的block只有indirect block pointer, 二级pointer指向含有数据的block, 总共(4KB/4B)*(4KB/4B)*4KB = 4GB数据.
  • 第15个block pointer: triple indirect block pointer, 该pointer指向的block只有double indirect block pointer, 三级pointer指向含有数据的block, 总共(4KB/4B)*(4KB/4B)*(4KB/4B)*4KB = 4TB数据

An inode with indirect and double indirect data blocks

Data block: inode指向data block, 分为以下三种:

  • Plain data block: 包含文件的数据
  • Symbolic-link data block: 包含路径名的symbolic link
  • Directory data block: 包含一组文件名和对应的inode

Cylinder group’s i-nodes and data blocks in more detail

* @brief create a new link(hard link) to an existing file
* @param oldpath pathname referred to an existing file
* @param newpath pathname referred to a new path. If `newpath` exists,
* it will not be overwritten
* @return 0 for success; -1 for error and errno is set
int link(const char* oldpath, const char* newpath);

* @brief same as link()
* @param oldpath if it is relative, it is interpreted relative to the
* directory referred to by the file descriptor `olddirfd`
* @param flag the following values can be bitwise ORed:
* * AT_EMPTY_PATH: If `oldpath` is an empty string, create a
* link to the file referenced by `olddirfd`
* * AT_SYMLINK_FOLLOW: dereferenced `oldpath` if it is a
* symbolic link
* @return 0 for success; -1 for error and errno is set.
int linkat(int olddirfd, const char* oldpath, int newdirfd,
const char* newpath, int flag);

* @brief delete a hard link from the filesystem. If it is the last
* link to a file and no process have the file open, the file
* is deleted and the space is made available for reuse
* @param pathname If `pathname` refer to a symbolic link, the link is
* removed; If `pathname` refer to a socket, FIFO, or device,
* the link is removed but processes which opened the file still
* continue to use it.
int unlink(const char* pathname);

* @brief same as unlink()
* @param pathname if `pathname` is relative, then it is interpreted
* relative to the directory referred to by `dirfd`
* @param flag a bit mask that can either be specified as 0. Currently,
* only one flag is defined:
* * AT_REMOVEDIR: perform the equivalent of rmdir() on
* `pathname`
int unlinkat(int fd, const char* pathname, int flag);

* @brief if `pathname` is a file, same as unlink(); if `pathname` is
* a directory, same as rmdir().
int remove(const char*pathname);
  • 若系统允许创建hard link, 只有root权限用户才能创建, 因为hard link可能导致循环访问.
  • 有些系统不支持对directory使用unlink, 需使用rmdir

13. rename, renameat

* @brief rename a file, moving it between directories if required. Other
* hard links to the file(created using link()) are unaffected
* @param old: points to the pathname of file to be changed
* @param new: points to the new pathname of the file
int rename(const char* oldpath, const char* newpath);

* @brief change the name or location of a file
int renameat(int olddirfd, const char *oldpath, int newdirfd, const char *newpath);

Symbolic link也称为soft link, 以下是其与hard link的不同之处:

  • hard link指向inode, 删除文件, 重命名文件, 或移动文件都不会影响inode, 因此不会影响hard link
  • symbolic link只包含pathname
* @brief creates a symbolic link named `linkpath` which contains
* the string `target`
* @param linkpath if it exists, it will not be overwritten
* @return 0 on success, -1 on error and errno is set
int symlink(const char* target, const char* linkpath);

* @brief same way as symlink(), but if `linkpath` is relative, it is
* intrepreted relative to the directory referred to by the file
* `dirfd`
* @param dirfd if it is AT_FDCWD, and `linkpath` is relative, `linkpath`
* is interpreted relative to the current working directory of
* the calling process
int symlinkat(const char* target, int dirfd, const char* linkpath);

* @brief place the content of the symbolic link `pathname` in the buffer
* `buf`, which has size `bufsize`.
ssize_t readlink(const char* pathname, char* buf, size_t bufsize);
* @brief same way as readlink(). If `pathname` is relative, it is
* interpreted relative to the directory referred to by `dirfd`
* @param dirfd if it is AT_FDCWD, and `pathname is relative`, `pathname`
* is interpreted relative to the current working directory of
* the calling process
ssize_t readlinkat(int dirfd, const char *pathname, char *buf, size_t bufsize);
  • 系统解析symbolic link时, 会将symbolic link里的内容当做path, 用于搜索文件或路径. 若symbolic link包含.., 则该path为symbolic link所在的文件夹的相对路径.
  • readlink()不会在buf中追加空字符(\0), 若pathname的内容长度超出bufsize, 会自动截断.

15. File Times

Field Description Example ls option
st_atim last-access time of file data read -u
st_mtim last-modification time of file data write default
st_ctim last-change time of i-node status chmod, chown -c
  • st_ctim: 修改权限, UID, 添加或删除Hard Link等操作都会更新st_ctim
  • access()stat()只访问inode, 不访问文件内的数据, 因此不更新st_atim

16. futimens, utimenset and utimes

struct timespec {
time_t tv_sec; /* seconds */
long tv_nsec; /* nanoseconds */

* @brief set file access and modification time with nanosecond precision
* @param times access time and modification time. There are four ways of
* times argument:
* * null: both timestamps are set to current time
* * array of two timespec: If either tv_nsec is set to UTIME_NOW,
* the corresponding timestamp is set to current time.
* * array of two timespec: If either tv_nsec is set to UTIME_OMIT,
* the corresponding timestamp is unchanged
* * array of two timespec: tv_nsec field has a value other than
* UTIME_OMIT or UTIME_NOW, the corresponding timestamp is set to
* the value specified by the tc_sec and tv_nsec
int futimens(int fd, const struct timespec times[2]);

* @brief same as futimens.
* @param flag: follow or not symbolic link
int utimensat(int dirfd, const char *path, const struct timespec times[2],
int flag);

int utimes(const char* pathname, const struct timeval times[2]);

17. mkdir, mkdirat, rmdir

* @brief create a directory named `pathname`
* @param mode file permission bits
* @return 0 on success, -1 on error and errno is set
int mkdir(const char* pathname, mode_t mode);

* @brief same way as mkdir(). If `pathname` is relative, it it interpreted
* relative to the directory referred to by `dirfd`. If `pathname`
* is relative and `dirfd` is AT_FDCWD, `pathname` is interpreted
* relative to the current working directory of the calling process
int mkdirat(int dirfd, const char* pathname, mode_t mode);

新建文件夹的UID为当前进程的EUID. 若mode设置了set-group-ID, 则新建文件夹的GID为父文件夹的owner, 否则为当前进程的EGID.

18. Reading Directories

* @brief open a directory with name pathname.
* @return a pointer to the directory stream
DIR* opendir(const char* pathname);
DIR* fdopendir(int fd);

* @brief read a directory
* @return a pointer to a dirent structure representing the next
* directory entry
struct dirent *readdir(DIR *dp);

* @brief reset the position of the directory stream dp to the
* beginning of the directory
void rewinddir(DIR *dp);

* @brief closes the directory stream associated with dp
* @return return 0 on success, -1 on error and errno is set
int closedir(DIR *dp);

* @brief return the current location associated with the
* directory stream dp
* @return the current location in the directory stream on
* success, -1 on error and errno is set
long telldir(DIR *dp);

* @brief set the position of the next readdir() call
void seekdir(DIR *dp, long loc);

struct dirent {
ino_t d_ino; /* inode number */
off_t d_off; /* current location in the directory */
unsigned short d_reclen; /* length of this record */
unsigned char d_type; /* file type */
char d_name[256]; /* null terminated filename */

19. chdir, fchdir, getcwd

每个进程都有一个当前操作的文件夹. 可通过以下函数来查看或更改当前进程所在的文件夹.

* @brief change current working directory of the calling process to the
* directory specified in `path`
* @return 0 on success, -1 on error and errno is set
int chdir(const char* path);
int fchdir(int fd);

* @brief copy an absolute pathname of the current working directory to
* the array pointed to by `buf`.
* If the length of the pathname of current working directory,
* including the terminating null byte, exceeds size bytes, NULL is
* returned.
* @return a pointer to a string containing the pathname of current
* working directory on success; NULL on error and errno is set.
char* getcwd(char* buf, size_t size);