1. Password File

UNIX中的密码为passwd结构体, 该struct至少包含以下field:

struct passwd {
char *pw_name; // login username
char *pw_passwd; // encrypted password
uid_t pw_uid; // user ID
gid_t pw_gid; // group ID
char *pw_gecos; // user information, such as phone number
char *pw_dir; // initial working directory, might be a null pointer
char *pw_shell; // initial shell when user logs in

对于绝大多数UNIX系统, /etc/passwd会作为密码库, 每一行包含一个passwd, 每一个field由:分割, 例如:

sar:x:205:105:Stephen Rago:/home/sar:/bin/bash
  • root用户为superuser, 因为UID为0
  • 曾经的UNIX会将密码单向hash的密码放在/etc/passwd, 但现代UNIX会用一个placeholder替代, 真正的密码被放在shadow database中, 只有特定权限才能访问.
  • 每个用户都有一个shell用于执行命令, 默认为/bin/sh. 若为/dev/null, 任何输入都会被抛弃, 因此无法执行任何命令.
  • nobody用户占用最后一位UID和GID: 65534. 该用户没有任何权限, 只能访问一些普通文件, 一般服务于FTP或HTTP远程访问的用户.
  • 部分UNIX系统提供了finger命令来查看更多的信息:
    $ finger -p root
    Login: root Name: System Administrator
    Directory: /var/root Shell: /bin/sh
    Last login Wed Jul 31 16:26 (EDT) on console
    No Mail.
  • 部分UNIX系统提供vipw命令, 允许administrator来修改password文件.


* @brief return a pointer to a struct passwd with a matching entry
* if matches the user ID `uid`
* @return a null pointer shall be returned if the request entry is not
* found, or an error occur.
struct passwd *getpwuid(uid_t uid);

* @brief return a pointer to a struct passwd with a matching entry
* if match the username `name`.
struct passwd *getpwnam(const char *name);

* @brief return a pointer to a struct passwd from the password database.
* It returns the first entry if it is the first call;
* thereafter, it returns successive entries.
* @return a pointer to a passwd structure on success; NULL
* on error and errno is set.
struct passwd *getpwent(void);

* @brief rewind to the beginning of the password database.
void setpwent(void);

* @brief close the password database after all processing has been
* performed.
void endpwent(void);

需要注意的是, getpwuid()返回的passwd指针可能会被后续getpwent(), getpwnam(), 或getpwuid()重写, 导致内部数据无效化, 也会因当前线程中止而无效化.

2. Shadow Passwords

加密后的密码存放在shadow password file中. 由于加密算法是单向的, 因此即使知道加密后的hash值也无法知道密码. shadow password file中包含spwd struct:

struct spwd {
char *sp_namp; /* user login name */
char *sp_pwdp; /* encrypted password */
long sp_lstchg; /* days since Epoch when last change, */
long sp_min; /* days until change allowed */
long sp_max; /* days before change required */
long sp_warn; /* days before password expires to warn user to change */
long sp_inact; /* days after password expires until account is disabled */
long sp_expire; /* days since Epoch when account expires */
unsigned long sp_flag; /* Reserved */

该文件只能被特定程序访问, 如login(), passwd(), 和设置了set-user-ID且文件所有者为root的可执行文件; password file可被任何用户访问.

* @brief return a pointer to spwd struct containing the borken-out
* fields of the record in the shadow password file that
* matches the username `name`.
* @return NULL if no available entries or an error occurs
struct spwd *getspnam(const char *name);

* @brief return a pointer to the next entry in the shadow password file.
struct spwd *getspent(void);

* @brief rewind to the beginning of shadow password file.
void setspent(void);

* @brief close the shadow password file.
void endspent(void);

3. Group File

UNIX使用group划分不同user, 多个user可属于同一group. 由于文件权限分为三部分, 因此可通过设置group权限来控制特定user群体的权限.
UNIX的group信息存放于group file, POSIX.1称为group database. 该文件通常位于/etc/group, 包含一个或多个group struct:

struct group {
char *gr_name; /* group name */
char *gr_passwd; /* encrypted password */
gid_t gr_gid; /* numerical group ID */
char **gr_mem; /* array of pointers to individual user names */

POSIX也提供函数访问group file.

* @brief return a pointer to a group struct with a matching entry
* that matches group id
* @return NULL of requested entry is not found, or an error occurrs
struct group *getgrgid(gid_t gid);

* @brief return a pointer to a group struct with a matching entry
* that matches group name
group name.
struct group *getgrnam(const char *name);

* @brief return a pointer to a structure containing the
* broken-out fields of the entry in the group file.
* The first time getgrent() is called, it returns
* the first entry.
struct group *getgrent(void);

* @brief rewind to the beginning of the group file.
void setgrent(void);

* @brief close the group file after all processing has
* been performed
void endgrent(void);

需要注意的是, getgrgid()返回的指向group struct的指针会被后续getgrent(), getgrgid(), 或getgrnam()无效化; 中止当前线程也会令该指针无效化.

4. Supplementary Group IDs

UNIX设计之初并没有supplementary group, 一个user只属于一个group, 用户需要其他group的权限时, 则需调用newgrp()改变当前user的real group ID. Kernel检查进程是否拥有文件访问权限时, 只需对比进程的EGID与文件的GID. 执行完毕后, 用户需再次调用newgrp()切换回原本的group.
但user和group之间的关系不应为多对一, 而是多对多, 每个group可包含多个user, user也可处于多个group中. 4.2BSD添加了supplementary group ID. user仍拥有一个GID, 称为primary group ID, 但还拥有多个supplementary group ID. Kernel检查进程是否拥有文件的访问权限时, 若进程的EGID不匹配, 则对比supplementary group ID.

* @brief returns the supplementary group IDs of the calling process
* in `list`
* @param size shoudl be set to the maximum number of items that can be
* stored in the buffer pointed to by `list`.
* @return number of supplementary group IDs on success, −1
* on error
int getgroups(int size, gid_t list[]);

* @brief set the supplementary group IDs for the calling process
* @param size specify the number of supplementary group IDs in the
* buffer pointed to by `list`. Zero means drop all of its
* supplementary group
* @return 0 on success, -1 if an error occurs
int setgroups(size_t size, const gid_t *list);

* @brief obtain the supplementary group membership of `user`, and sets
* the current process supplementary group IDs to that list.
* `group` is also included in the supplementary group IDs.
* @return 0 on success; -1 on error and errno is set.
int initgroups(const char *user, gid_t group);

5. Other Data Files

除了password file和group file, UNIX系统还包括其他文件: network service(/etc/services), internet protocols(/etc/protocols). UNIX提供以下函数来访问这些文件:

  1. get: read the next entry of file.
  2. set: open file if not already open, and rewind the file
  3. end: close the data file
Description File Localtion Header Structure Additional keyed lookup functions
password /etc/passwd <pwd.h> passws getpwnam, getpwuid
groups /etc/group <grp.h> group getgrnam, getgrgid
shadow /etc/shadow <shadow.h> spwd getspnam
hosts /etc/hosts <netdb.h> hostent getnameinfo, getaddrinfo
networks /etc.networks <netdb.h> netent getnetbyname, getnetbyaddr
protocols /etc/protocols <netdb.h> protoent getprotobyname, getprotobynumber
services /etc/services <netdb.h> servent getservbyname, getservbyport

6. Login Accounting

UNIX提供了两个data file:

  • utmp: 记录所有当前登录的用户
  • wtmp: 记录所有登录和登出动作
struct utmp {
char ut_line[8]; /* device name of tty */
char ut_name[8]; /* login name */
long ut_time; /* seconds since Epoch */

用户登录时, login程序会向utmpwtmp写入一个utmp struct; 用户登出时, init进程从utmp中删除该用户, 并向wtmp写入一个新的utmp struct, 用null username表示用户在关联terminal上注销.

7. System Identification

struct utsname {
char sysname[]; /* name of the operating system */
char nodename[]; /* name of this node */
char release[]; /* current release of operating system */
char version[]; /* current version of this release */
char machine[]; /* hardware identifier */

* @brief store system inforamtion in the structure pointed to by `buf`
* @return 0 on success; -1 on error and errno is set
int uname(struct utsname *buf);

由于历史原因, nodename并不能表示TCP/IP上的hostname, 如需则调用gethostname().

* @brief return the null-terminated hostname in the character array
* name, which has a length of `len` bytes. If the hostname is
* too large to fit, then name is truncated.
int gethostname(char *name, int len);

8. Time and Date Routines

UNIX使用UTC(Coordinated Universal Time)存储时间信息, 数据类型为time_t, 并会自动处理time zone, daylight saving time等问题.

* @brief return the current time as the number of seconds since the
* Epoch, 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 (UTC)
* @param t the return value is stored at `t`
* @return the value of time in seconds since the Epoch on
* success; -1 on error and errno is set
time_t time(time_t *t);

除了time_t, 其他类型也可表示时间戳:
Relationship of the various time functions

8.1 timespec struct

struct timespec {
time_t tv_sec; // seconds
long tv_nsec; // nanoseconds

* @brief retrieve the time of the specified clock `clk_id`
* @param clk_id the identifier of the particular clock, must be one
* of the following clocks:
* * CLOCK_REALTIME: settable system-wide realtime clock
* * CLOCK_MONOTONIC: nonsettable system-wide clock derived
* from wall-clock time but ignoring leap seconds
* * CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID: a clock that measures CPU time
* consumed by this process
* * CLOCK_THREAD_CPUTIME_ID: a clock that measures CPU time
* consumed by this thread
* @return 0 on success; -1 on error and errno is set
int clock_gettime(clockid_t clk_id, struct timespec *tsp);

* @brief set the time of the specified clock `clk_id`
int clock_settime(clockid_t clk_id, const struct timespec *tsp);

* @brief find the resolution of the specified clock clk_id
* If res is not NULL, stores it in `res`.
int clock_getres(clockid_t clk_id, struct timespec *res);
  • 任何物理时钟都存在偏差, 计算机运行的越久, 与实际时间的偏差越大, 因此需要管理员手动修改, 或NTP纠正, CLOCK_REALTIME则表示最接近实际的时间; 但该时间可能不连续, 例如, 第一次获取的时间小于第二次获取的时间, 给人一种时间回溯的感觉, 因此引入CLOCK_MONOTONIC, 该时间无法被修改, 可用于计算两个事件之间的时间差.
  • UNIX支持多进程, 但进程并发受限于很多因素(如CPU数量), 因此进程可能处于等待队列, 计算一个程序的实际性能时, 我们只想知道程序的实际运行时间, 可使用CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID

8.2 tm structure

struct tm {
int tm_sec; /* second [0, 60] */
int tm_min; /* minute [0, 59] */
int tm_hour; /* hour [0, 23] */
int tm_mday; /* day of month [1, 31] */
int tm_mon; /* month of year [0, 11] */
int tm_year; /* years since 1900 */
int tm_wday; /* day of week [0, 6] (Sunday = 0) */
int tm_yday; /* day of year [0, 365] */
int tm_isdst; /* daylight savings flag */

* @brief convert the time in seconds since the Epoch to a
* broken-down UTC time.
struct tm *gmtime(const time_t *timep);

* @brief convert broken-down time into time since the Epoch
time_t mktime(struct tm *tm);

* @brief convert the time in seconds since the Epoch into a
* broken-down time. The function corrects for the timezone
* and any seasonal time adjustments
struct tm *localtime(const time_t *timep);

* @brief format the borken-down time `tm` according to the conversion
* specification `format` and place the result in the array
* pointed to by `s` of size `max`.
size_t strftime(char *s, size_t max, const char *format, const struct tm *tm);

* @brief convert the character string pointed to by `s` to values
* which are stored in the broken-down time
* structure pointed to by tm
char *strptime(const char *s, const char *format, struct tm *tm);

Conversion sepcifier for strftime():

Format Description Example
%a abbreviated weekday name Thu
%A full weekday name Thursday
%b abbreviated month name Jan
%B full month name January
%c date and time Thu Jan 19 21:24:52 2012
%C year/100: [00–99] 20
%d day of the month: [01–31] 19
%D date [MM/DD/YY] 01/19/12
%e day of month (single digit preceded by space) [1–31] 19
%F ISO 8601 date format [YYYY–MM–DD] 2012-01-19
%g last two digits of ISO 8601 week-based year [00–99] 12
%G ISO 8601 week-based year 2012
%h same as %b Jan
%H hour of the day (24-hour format): [00–23] 21
%I hour of the day (12-hour format): [01–12] 09
%j day of the year: [001–366] 019
%m month: [01–12] 01
%M minute: [00–59] 24
%n newline character
%r locale’s time (12-hour format) 09:24:52 PM
%R same as %H:%M 21:24
%S second: [00–60] 52
%t horizontal tab character
%T same as %H:%M:%S 21:24:52
%u ISO 8601 weekday [Monday = 1, 1–7] 4
%U Sunday week number: [00–53] 03
%V ISO 8601 week number: [01–53] 03
%w weekday: [0 = Sunday, 0–6] 4
%W Monday week number: [00–53] 03
%x locale’s date 01/19/ 12
%X locale’s time 21:24: 52
%y last two digits of year: [00–99] 12
%Y year 2012
%z offset from UTC in ISO 8601 format -0500
%Z time zone name EST
%% translates to a percent sign %