1. Scripting Languages

compute_it 1 > compute_it.1.out &
compute_it 2 > compute_it.2.out &
cat compute_it.1.out
cat compute_it.2.out
  • &表示程序后台运行
  • wait command阻塞shell直到两个程序结束运行
  • cat输出结果

2. POSIX Multiprocessing

2.1 POSIX Process Creation and Destruction

int pid = fork();
if (pid == 0) {
/* child */
} else if(pid < 0) {
/* parent, upon error */
} else {
/* parent, pid == child ID */
  • fork()创建进程
  • fork()调用后返回两次pid, 一次是parent process, 一次是child process
    • 若pid == 0, 则为child process
    • 若pid < 0, 则fork()执行失败
    • 若pid > 0, 则为parent process, pid即为child process的ID
  • Parent process可通过调用wait()来等待child process完成执行

wait()只能等待一个child process, 若parent process需要等待多个child process:

void waitall(void) 
int pid;
int status;

for (;;) {
pid = wait(&status);
if (pid == -1) {
if (errno == ECHILD)
  • wait()阻塞parent process, 直到有child process结束运行
  • wait()返回pid > 0, 则说明有一个child process结束运行
  • wait()返回pid == -1, 则说明发生错误
  • 若pid为-1且errno为ECHILD, 则说明没有等待中的child process

2.2 POSIX Thread Creation and Destruction

int x = 0;

void *mythread(void *arg)
x = 1;
printf("Child process set x=1\n");
return NULL;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
pthread_t tid;
void *vp;

if (pthread_create(&tid, NULL, mythread, NULL) != 0) {

if (pthread_join(tid, &vp) != 0) {

printf("Parent process sess x=%d\n", x);
return 0;

pthread_create负责创建一个线程, pthread_join负责等待指定ID的线程执行完毕.

#include <pthread.h>

* @brief Creates a new thread
* @param thread: A pointer to store ID of the new thread
* @param attr: Attributes of thw new thread
* @param start_routine: execution method of the new thread
* @param arg: the argument of start_routine
int pthread_create(pthread_t *thread, const pthread_attr_t *attr,
void *(*start_routine)(void *), void *arg);

* @brief Waits for the thread specified by thread ID to terminate
* @param thread: Joinable thread
* @param retval: The result of thread execution method
int pthread_join(pthread_t thread, void **retval);

必须确保只有一个thread在修改x值, 当存在多个thread同时想要读取或刷新数据时, 该情况被称为"data race".

2.3 POSIX Locking

POSIX Locking可避免data race的情况出现. 最简单的锁类型为互斥锁(pthread_mutex_t)

// initialize lock_a and lock_b
pthread_mutex_t lock_a = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
pthread_mutex_t lock_b = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
int x = 0;

void *lock_reader(void *arg)
int i;
int newx = -1;
int oldx = -1;
pthread_mutex_t *pmlp = (pthread_mutex_t *)arg;

if (pthread_mutex_lock(pmlp) != 0) { // try to acquire lock_a
for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
newx = READ_ONCE(x);
if (newx != oldx) {
printf("lock_reader(): x = %d\n", newx);
oldx = newx;
poll(NULL, 0, 1);
if (pthread_mutex_unlock(pmlp) != 0) {
return NULL;

void *lock_writer(void *arg)
int i;
pthread_mutex_t *pmlp = (pthread_mutex_t *)arg;

if (pthread_mutex_lock(pmlp) != 0) {
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
poll(NULL, 0, 5);
if (pthread_mutex_unlock(pmlp) != 0) {
return NULL;
  • lock_reader()不断读取x的数值
  • lock_writer()不断修改x的数值
printf("Creating two threads using same lock:\n");
if (pthread_create(&tid1, NULL, lock_reader, &lock_a) != 0) {
if (pthread_create(&tid2, NULL, lock_writer, &lock_a) != 0) {
if (pthread_join(tid1, &vp) != 0) {
if (pthread_join(tid2, &vp) != 0) {

/* output:
* Creating two threads using same lock:
* lock_reader(): x = 0

lock_reader和lock_writer使用同一个lock: lock_a. 当lock_reader()运行时, lock_writer()将会被阻塞, 因为无法获得lock_a.

2.4 POSIX Reader-Writer Locking

POSIX API还提供了另一个锁: 读写锁(pthread_rwlock_t)

* @brief initialize pthread_rwlock_t statically

* @brief initialize initialize pthread_rwlock_t dynamically
int pthread_rwlock_init(pthread_rwlock_t *restrict rwlock,
const pthread_rwlockattr_t *restrict attr);

* @brief lock a reader-writer lock object for reading
* @param A pointer to reader-writer lock
int pthread_rwlock_rdlock(pthread_rwlock_t *rwlock);

如果critical section(获取锁和解锁之间的代码)过小, 那么rwlock的性能并不比mutex lock好, 因为获取rwlock时需要额外的逻辑处理(区分reader lock和writer lock和避免writer starvation), 大部分时间将会浪费在获取锁和解锁上. rwlock的优势在于scalability(扩展性), 也就是可以存在多个thread同时拥有reader lock, 所以rwlock需要在critical section处理较长时间时使用, 例如critical section需要I/O等待时间.

2.5 Atomic Operations

Reader-writer lock在应对较小的critical section时比较吃力, 这是更应使用atomic operations(原子操作)来处理. 以下是GCC自带的Atomic Builtins:

* @brief Perform the operation suggested by the name,
* @return The value that had previously been in memory
type __sync_fetch_and_add(type *ptr, type value_);
type __sync_fetch_and_sub(type *ptr, type value_);
type __sync_fetch_and_or(type *ptr, type value_);
type __sync_fetch_and_and(type *ptr, type value_);
type __sync_fetch_and_xor(type *ptr, type value_);
type __sync_fetch_and_nand(type *ptr, type value_);

* @brief Perform the operation suggested by the name
* @return The new value after operation
type __sync_add_and_fetch(type *ptr, type value_);
type __sync_sub_and_fetch(type *ptr, type value_);
type __sync_or_and_fetch(type *ptr, type value_);
type __sync_and_and_fetch(type *ptr, type value_);
type __sync_xor_and_fetch(type *ptr, type value_);
type __sync_nand_and_fetch(type *ptr, type value_);

* @brief Perform an atomic compare and swap,
* if the current value of *ptr is oldval,
* then write newval into *ptr.
* @return The contents of *ptr before the operation
type __sync_val_compare_and_swap(type *ptr, type oldval type newval);

* @brief Issues a full memory barrier.
void __sync_synchronize();

C11也提供了atomic operations:

#include <stdatomic.h>
* @brief Atomically loads atomic variable.
* @param obj: pointer to the atomic object to access.
* @return The current value pointed to obj
C atomic_load(const volatile A* obj);

* @brief Atomically replaces the value of the variable
* pointed to `obj` with `desired`.
* @param obj: pointer to the atomic object to modify
* @param desired: The value to be stored in the atomic object.
void atomic_store(volatile A* obj , C desired);

* @brief Atomically perform obj the operation suggested by the name with arg
* @return The value obj held previously.
C atomic_fetch_add(volatile A* obj, M arg);
C atomic_fetch_sub(volatile A* obj, M arg);
C atomic_fetch_or(volatile A* obj, M arg);
C atomic_fetch_xor(volatile A* obj, M arg);
C atomic_fetch_and(volatile A* obj, M arg);

* @brief Establishes memory synchronization ordering of
* non-atomic and relaxed atomic accesses
* @param order: the memory ordering executed by this fence
void atomic_thread_fence(memory_order order);

2.6 Per-Thread Variables

Pre-thread variables也称为thread-specific data(线程私有变量). 顾名思义, 该变量在每个线程都存在, 但每个线程的该变量却与其他线程的同名变量互不影响, 以下是POSIX提供的primitives:

#include <pthread.h>

* @brief Create a thread-specific data key visible to all threads in the process
* @return If successful, return 0. Otherwise, return an error number
int pthread_key_create(pthread_key_t *key, void (*destructor)(void *));

* @brief Deletes thread-specific data keys created with pthread_key_create(),
* The data associated with key do not need to be NULL when the key is deleted.
* @return If successful, return 0. Otherwise, return an error number
int pthread_key_delete(pthread_key_t key);

* @brief Associates the data `value` with the key `key`.
* @return If successful, return 0. Otherwise, return -1 and set errno
int pthread_setspecific(pthread_key_t key, void *value);

* @brief Get the value currently bound to the key on the calling thread
void *pthread_getspecific(pthread_key_t key);