1. main Function


* @brief start execution function in C program
* @param argc number of command-line arguments
* @param argv an array of pointers to the arguments
int main(int argc, char *argv[]);

Kernel执行程序时, 会在执行main()前运行一个start-up routine. 可执行程序会指定start-up routine作为程序的起始地址. Start-up routine由C compiler设置, 从kernel中获得命令行参数和环境变量, 进行初始化工作(如初始化Standard I/O stream等), 并调用main().

2. Process Termination


  • 正常退出程序:
    • main()返回
    • 调用exit(), _exit(), 或Exit()
    • start routine返回最后一个线程
    • 最后一个线程调用pthread_exit()
  • 非正常中止程序:
    • 调用abort()
    • 收到signal
    • 最后一个线程对cancellation request作响应

2.1 Exit Function

* @brief cause normal process termination and the least
* significant byte of status (status & 0xFF) is
* returned to the parent.
* All open streams are flushed and closed. Files
* created by tmpfile() are removed.
void exit(int status);

* @brief terminates the calling process immediately.
* * open file descriptor are closed.
* * open streams are not flushed
* * children process are inherited by init.
* * parent process receives a SIGCHLD signal.
* * return the least significant byte of status
* to parent process as exit status
* * does not call any function registered with
* atexit() or on_exit()
void _Exit(int status);

* @brief same as _Exit()
void _exit(int status);

ISO C定义了exit()_Exit(), POSIX.1定义了_exit(), 因此函数定义在不同的header.

2.2 atexit Function


* @brief register the given function to be called at normal
* process termination (call exit() or return from main())
* @param func the address of a function with no argument
* and return value. Each function is called as many
* times as it was registered.
* @return 0 on success; nonzero on error.
int atexit(void (*func)(void));
  • 函数的执行顺序与注册顺序相反, 也就是说, 越晚注册的函数越先执行
  • 同一函数可被注册多次, 且会被运行多次
  • 执行fork后, child process与parent process拥有相同的函数
  • 执行exec后, 所有注册的函数都会被移除
  • 非正常中止进程不会触发注册的函数
  • 若某个函数调用_exit(), 则不执行后续的函数

需要注意的是, 多次调用exit()会导致不可知的结果, 应避免这么做. 以下是C语言程序启动和中止的流程图:
How a C program is started and how it terminates

3. Environment List

每个程序接收一个argument list(参数列表), 还会接收一个environment list(环境列表).

* pointer to an array of pointers to string called
* "environment".
* The last pointer in this array has the value NULL
extern char **environ;

environ的每个string按照name=value格式, 包含但不限以下字段:

  1. USER: 登录用户的名称(一些BSD-derived program使用), 由login()设置
  2. LOGNAME: 登录用户的名称(一些System-V derived program使用)
  3. HOME: user's login directory
  4. LANG: locale的名称, 用于locale分类
  5. PWD: 当前working directory
  6. SHELL: user's login shell的绝对路径


int main(int argc, char *argv[], char *envp[]);

但ISO C规定main()只能接受两个参数, 且environ作为参数并不比global variable更有优势, 所以通常情况不会将environ作为参数.

4. Memory Layout of a C program

Typical memory arrangement

  • Text Segment: CPU执行的机器指令. 该内存区域为固定大小, 只读, 可被多个进程共享.
  • Initialized Data Segment: 初始化的global variable(全局变量)和static local variable(静态变量):
    // global variable, outside the main function
    int maxcount = 99;
  • Uninitialized Data Segment: 未初始化的全局变量和静态变量, 由kernel自动初始化, 例如:
    // uninitialized global variables, outside the main function
    long sum[1000];
  • Stack: 临时变量. 所有临时变量都在该内存区域生成, 包括地址, 寄存器, 变量. 该内存区域的地址从高位向低位增长.
  • Heap: 动态内存分配的变量(malloc或new). 该内存区域的地址从低位向高位增长.

5. Shared Libraries

绝大多数UNIX系统支持shared libraries, 从而让executable file(执行文件)不必含有某些公共功能的代码实现, 该方式的优缺点如下:

  • 优点:
    • 大大减少了文件体积
    • 对shared libraries的修改不需要重新编译整个程序
  • 缺点: 增加runtime开销(第一次运行程序或调用shared library时需链接shared libraries).
gcc -static hello.c // use static libraries
gcc hello.c // gcc defaults to use shared libraries

6. Memory Allocation

* @brief allocate `size` bytes and returns a pointer to
* the allocated memory. The memory is not initialized.
* @param size if it is 0, then malloc() returns either NULL,
* or a unique pointer value that can later be passed
* to free().
void *malloc(size_t size);

* @brief allocate memory for an array of `nmemb` elements of
* `size` bytes each and return a pointer to the
* allocated memory. The memory is set to 0.
* If the multiplication of `nmemb` and `size` would
* result in integer overflow, then return an error.
void *calloc(size_t nmemb, size_t size);

* @brief change the size of the memory block pointed to
* by `ptr` to `size` bytes.
* The content will be unchanged in the range from
* the start of the region up to the minimum of the
* old and new sizes.
* @param ptr if it is null, then the call is equivalent
* to `malloc(size)`
* @param size if it is larger than old size, the added
* memory will not be initialized.
void *realloc(void *ptr, size_t size);

* @brief free the memory space pointed to by `ptr`, which
* must have been returned by a previous call to malloc(),
* calloc(), or realloc(). If free() has already been
* called before, undefined behavior occurs.
* @param ptr if is NULL, no operation is performed
void free(void *ptr);

malloc(), calloc()或realloc()申请内存时, 申请的内存空间会比参数size大一些, 因为还需放置该区域的空间大小. 当调用free()时一般也不会直接缩小heap空间, 而是暂时保留该区域内存, 用于下次申请时使用.
进程应只对自己申请的内存区域进行操作, 对其他内存空间进行操作会造成不可知的影响. 释放一个已经被释放的内存区域也十分危险, 因为该内存区域可能正被其他进程使用. 只申请不释放内存也存在隐患, 未被释放的内会会造成内存泄漏.

7. Environment Variables

UNIX kernel不对environment variable做任何处理, 只有application需要操作environment variable. 例如, shell会用到很多environment variables, 如HOMEUSER.

* @brief search the environment list to find the environment
* variable `name`, and return a pointer to the
* corresponding `value` string
* @return a pointer to the corresponding value string
char *getenv(const char *name);

* @brief change or add the value of environment variables
* @param str must be the form of "name=value". If name does
* not already exist in the environment, then string is
* added to the environment.
* If name does exist, then the value of name in the
* environment is changed to value.
* Some implementation may not make copies of the string
* pointed to by `str`
* @return 0 on success; nonzero on error and errno is set
int putenv(char *str);

* @brief add the variable `name` to the environment with the
* value `value`, if `name` does not exist. If `name`
* does exist, then its value is changed to value if
* `rewrite` is nonzero.
* This function makes copies of the strings pointed to
* by name and value
int setenv(const char *name, const char *value, int rewrite);

* @brief delete the environment variable `name` from the
* environment.
* If `name` does not exist, the current environment
* shall be unchanged
* @return 0 on success; -1 on error and errno is set
int unsetenv(const char *name);

8. setjmp and longjmp Functions

C语言中goto只能在同一函数内进行逻辑跳转, 若需要跨函数跳转, 则调用setjmp()longjmp(), 称为nonlocal goto. 每次调用函数时, 会在stack区创建于一个stack frame来放置函数所需的所有数据, 函数间的跳转等同于stack frame的转移. 为回到之前的stack frame, 需先使用setjmp()记录当前stack frame, 并保存到jmp_buf类型的变量中; longjmp()会跳转到最近一次调用setjmp()的stack frame, 并修改setjmp()的返回值来帮助判断是否为longjmp()导致的跳转.

* @brief save various information about the calling environment
* (stack pointer, instruction pointer, values of other
* registers and the signal mask) in the buffer `env` for
* later use by longjmp()
* @return 0 when called directly; nonzero when called by longjmp()
int setjmp(jmp_buf env);

* @brief use the information saved in `env` to transfer control
* back to the point where setjmp() was called to retore
* the stack to its state at the time of the setjmp() call
* @param val should not be 0
void longjmp(jmp_buf env, int val);

由于env需在不同的函数中使用, 所以应为global variable. 需要注意的是, 调用longjmp()后, setjmp()所在函数内的local variable和register variable不一定保留修改后的值, 绝大多数情况下, 编译器不会回滚local variable和register variable.
GCC编译时, 若使用Optimization选项, 会导致setjmp()所在函数内的所有local variable和register variable回滚, 但不会影响global variable, static variable, 和volatile variable.

9. getrlimit and setrlimit Functions

每个进程的资源都有上限值, 可通过以下函数对上限值进行操作:

struct rlimit {
rlim_t rlim_cur; /* soft limit: current limit */
rlim_t rlim_max; /* hard limit: maximum value for rlim_cur */

* @brief get resource limits
* @param resource the type of resource
int getrlimit(int resource, struct rlimit *rlptr);

* @brief set the limits on the consumption of a variety of
* resources
int setrlimit(int resource, const struct rlimit *rlptr);


  • 子进程会继承父进程的上限值
  • 每个线程都会共享进程的上限值
  • 将soft limit调至当前进程已拥有的资源量以下也不会失败


  • $\text{soft limit} \le \text{hard limit}$
  • 进程可降低hard limit, 但必须遵守上一条规则
  • 只有superuser才能提高hard limit


  • RLIMIT_AS: 进程的virtual memory(地址空间)的最大值, 以byte为单位, 向下取整至page大小(虚拟内存的最小单元)
  • RLIMIT_CORE: core文件(包含非正常程序退出时产生的core dump)的最大体积, 单位为byte. 若设为0, 则不会生成core file; 若core dump超出体积上限则截断.
  • RLIMIT_CPU: 进程占用CPU的单次最长运行时间, 单位为秒. 但进程达到soft limit, 会向进程发送SIGXCPU signal, 该信号会中止进程, 但可捕获, 因此程序可决定是否继续执行; 若进程继续执行, 接下来每秒都会收到SIGXCPU, 直到达到hard limit, 进程收到SIGKILL.
  • RLIMIT_DATA: data segment的最大体积, 单位为byte, 向下取整至page大小, 该值会影响brk(), sbrk(), 和mmap()
  • RLIMIT_FSIZE: 进程创建文件的最大体积, 单位为byte, 超出限制时进程收到SIGXFSZ signal
  • RLIMIT_MEMLOCK: 进程将虚拟内存常驻在RAM的最大空间, 单位为byte, 该值会影响mlock(), mlockall(), 和mmap()
  • RLIMIT_MSGQUEUE: POSIX message queue所能使用的最大内存空间, 单位为byte
  • RLIMIT_NICE: nice()所能设置的最大nice值, 实际nice值上限为20 - rlim_cur
  • RLIMIT_NOFILE: 进程所能打开的最大file descriptor数量
  • RLIMIT_NPROC: 当前进程所能创建的最大线程数
  • RLIMIT_NPTS: 当前进程能打开的最大pseudo terminal数量
  • RLIMIT_RSS: 最大RSS(resident set size, 进程占用RAM的空间, 剩余空间放置在swap space)
  • RLIMIT_SBSIZE: 当前进程所拥有的最大socket buffer空间
  • RLIMIT_SIGPENDING: 等待当前进程接收的最大signal队列长度
  • RLIMIT_STACK: 最大stack空间, 单位为byte
  • RLIMIT_SWAP: 当前进程所能拥有的最大swap空间