1. Process Indetifiers

每个进程都有一个唯一, 非负的PID(process ID, 进程ID). PID支持重用, 进程一旦被停用, 其PID会被其他新建进程重用. 但大多数UNIX系统会推迟该操作, 以保证新进程不会被误认为上一个进程. 以下是一些特殊进程, 具体细节因系统实现不同而不同:

  • PID 0: scheduler process(调度进程), 用于进程调度, system process之一.
  • PID 1: init process, bootstrap结束时由kernel调用, 程序位于/etc/init/sbin/init:
    • 负责初始化UNIX系统
    • 该进程不会退出
    • 该进程不是system process, 而是普通进程
    • 该进程拥有superuser权限
* @brief return the process ID (PID) of the calling process.
* This is often used by routines that generate unique
* temporary filename
pid_t getpid(void);

* @brief return the process ID (PID) of parent of the calling
* process. This will be either the ID of the process
* that created this process using fork(), or, if that
* process has already terminated, the ID of the process
* to which this process has been reparented (either init
* or a process defined via the prctl()
pid_t getppid(void);

* @brief return the real user ID of the calling process
uid_t getuid(void);

* @brief return the effective user ID of the calling process
uid_t geteuid(void);

* @brief return the real group ID of the calling process
gid_t getgid(void);

* @brief return the effective group ID of the calling process
gid_t getegid(void);

2. fork Function

* @brief create a new process by duplicating the calling process
* @return PID of the child process is returned in the parent
* process, return 0 in the child process; return -1 in
* the parent process
pid_t fork(void);

Child process的fork()返回值为0, 而不是PPID(parent process's PID), 因为child process可通过getppid()获得PPID. 一个进程可拥有多个child process, 因此parent process的fork()返回值为child process的PID.
有些UNIX系统会提供fork()的变种, 如Linux的clone().

2.1 Memory Sharing

Child process会复制parent process的大部分内存数据, 包括data segment, heap, stack, 因此两者不共享数据, 除了text segment(read-only).
由于复制数据会降低运行速度, 且fork-exec model(fork()生成的child process执行exec()以运行其他程序)被广泛使用, 因此child process并没有必要复制parent process的数据, copy-on-write(COW)应运而生: child process一开始不会复制parent process的数据, 而是共享同一区域内存. 只有当其中一方(child process或parent process)试图写入数据时才会复制被修改的内存区域.

2.2 File Sharing

fork()会对parent process的每个file descriptor调用dup(), 因此child process与parent process共享file descriptor. 由于parent process与child process指向相同的table entry, 因此child process可以在parent process所在文件的相同位置继续读写.
Sharing of open files between parent and child after fork

若parent process和child process在没有同步机制的情况下对同一file descriptor进行操作, 很可能导致数据丢失或逻辑错误. 有以下两种方法保证同步:

  • parent process等待child process的操作完毕后再执行操作.
  • parent process和child process各自关闭不需要的file descriptor, 避免两个进程操作同一file descriptor

2.3 Other Sharing

以下是parent process和child process的相同之处:

  • real user ID, real group ID, effective user ID, 和effective group ID
  • supplementary group IDs
  • process group ID
  • session ID
  • controlling terminal
  • set-user-ID和set-group-ID bits
  • current working directory
  • root directory
  • file mode creation mask
  • signal mask和dispositions
  • 所有打开的file descriptor的close-on-exec flag
  • environment variables
  • attached shared memory segments
  • memory mappings
  • resource limits

以下是parent process与child process的不同之处:

  • child process拥有自己的PID
  • child process的PPID与parent process的PID相同, 因此, child process的PPID一定与parent process的PPID不同(init的PPID为0)
  • child process的进程资源利用率(getrusage())和CPU使用时长(times())重置为0
  • child process的等待信号队列重置为空
  • child process不会继承parent process的memory lock(mlock())
  • child process不会继承parent process对semaphore的修改(semop())
  • child process不会继承parent process的record lock(fcntl())
  • child process不会继承parent process的timer(setitimer(), alarm(), timer_create())
  • child process不会继承parent process未完成的异步I/O操作(aio_read(), aio_write(3)), 也不会继承异步I/O上下文(io_steup())


  • 系统内的进程数量达到上限: 进程数达到RLIMIT_NPROC资源上限, 或达到PID数量上限
  • 该real user ID的child process数量达到上限

3. vfork Function

* @brief create a child process and block parent
pid_t vfork(void);


  • vfork()生成的child process不复制parent process的地址空间, 因此共享parent process的所有数据. 只有调用exec()exit()才会退出parent process的地址空间.
  • fork()不保证child process和parent process的执行顺序, 而vfork()要求child process必须在parent process之前运行, 需要阻塞parent process, 直到child process调用exec()exit()退出进程.

4. exit Functions


  • main()中调用return(), 相当于调用exit()
  • 调用exit(). 会调用所有atexit()注册的exit handler, 并关闭所有I/O streams. 由于exit()由ISO C定义, 所以不处理file descritptor, 多进程, 和任务控制.
  • 调用_exit()_Exit(). ISO C定义_Exit()中止进程且不调用exit handler. _exit()由POSIX.1定义, 因此会关闭file descriptor, 并将所有child process的parent process改为init.
  • 进程的最后一个线程的start routine调用return(), 该线程的返回值不会作为进程的返回值, 而是以0提出.
  • 进程的最后一个线程调用pthread_exit().


  • 调用abort(), 不会删除临时文件, 不关闭stream buffer, 也不会调用atexit()注册的exit handler
  • 进程收到特定signal
    • 进程调用abort()
    • 其他进程向当前进程发送signal
    • kernel发送signal, 如发生错误
  • 进程的最后一个线程回应cancellation request

无论进程如何中止, kernel都会关闭所有open file descriptor, 并释放内存. 进程被中止时, 其parent process会收到exit status. 若进程调用exit(), _exit(), 或_Exit()中止进程, 则exit status为其参数; 若进程异常中止, kernel会生成一个termination status, 其parent process可通过wait()waitpid()获取termination status.
若进程中止时, 其child process仍未退出, 则child process的PPID改为1(init), 这样可保证任何进程在任何时刻都有一个PPID.
若child process中止时, 其parent process仍未退出, kernel会将中止的进程信息保留在内存中, 以便后续parent process调用wait()waitpid()获取termination status. 保存的进程信息包括: 被中止进程的PID, CPU运行时间, termination status. 这些已被中止但未被parent process知晓的进程称为zombie process.
若进程的parent process为init, 则该进程永远不会成为zombie process, 因为无论进程何时中止, init都会调用wait()获取其termination status. init的child process有两种生成方式:

  • init直接生成的进程(getty)
  • 进程的parent process中止, 其parent process转为init

5. wait and waitpid Functions

无论进程如何中止, kernel都会向其parent process发送SIGCHLD信号. 该信号为异步提醒, parent process可选择忽略该信号, 或提供一个signal handler处理该信号, 且信号默认处理会被忽略. wait()和``waitpid()`可提供以下功能:

  • 若所有child process都在运行, 则阻塞当前进程
  • 若某个child process被中止, 则立刻返回该child process的termination status
  • 若没有任何child process, 则立即返回错误
* @brief suspend execution of the calling thread until one
* of its child process terminates. The call of
* wait(&wstatus) is equal to waitpid(-1, &wstatus, 0)
* @param wstatus store the termination status
* @return PID of terminated child process on success; -1
* on error.
pid_t wait(int *wstatus);

* @brief suspend execution of the calling thread until a
* child process specified by `pid` has changed state.
* By default, waitpid() waits only for terminated
* children, but this behavior is modifiable via
* the `options` argument.
* @param pid PID of child process:
* * <-1: wait for any child process whose process
group ID is equal to the absolute value of `pid`
* * -1: wait for any child process
* * 0: wait for any child process whose process group
* ID is equal to that of the calling process
* * >0: wait for the child process whose process ID is
* equal to the value of `pid`
* @param options an OR of zero or more of the following values:
* * WNOHANG: return immediately if pid is not available
* * WUNTRACED: return if a child process has stopped
* * WCONTINUED: return if a stopped child process has
* been resumed by delivery of SIGCONT
pid_t waitpid(pid_t pid, int *wstatus, int options);


  1. waitpid()可等待指定PID的child process, wait()只能等待当前进程的child process
  2. waitpid()提供nonblocking模式, 无需阻塞当前进程
  3. waitpid()提供WUNTRACED和WCONTINUED来支持job control

6. waitid Function

Single UNIX Specification提供了额外的函数来获取exit status.

* @brief wait for a child process to change state
* @param idtype specify which child process it waits for
* * P_PID: wait for the child process which PID
* matches `id`
* * P_PGID: wait for any child process whose
* process group ID matches `id`
* * P_ALL: wait for any child process, `id` is
* ignored
* @param infop: store the current state of a child process
* @param options: same as the option argument in waitpid()
int waitid(idtype_t idtype, id_t id, siginfo_t *infop,
int options);

7. wait3 and wait4 Function

* @brief same as waitpid(), but additionally return
* resource usage information about the child
* in the structure pointed to by rusage
pid_t wait3(int *status, int options, struct rusage *rusage);
pid_t wait4(pid_t pid, int *status, int options,
struct rusage *rusage);

wait3(status, options, rusage);等同于waitpid(-1, status, options), 但会返回额外的资源使用信息, 其中包括user CPU运行时间, system CPU运行时间, page fault的数量, 接收到的signal数量等.

8. exec Functions

当进程调用exec时, 进程开始执行新程序, 其PID不会改变, 但text segment, data segment, heap, stack都会被替换.

* @brief The exec() family of functions replaces the
* current process image with a new process image
* @param path path of the executed program
* @param arg a list of one or more pointers to
* null-terminated strings that represent the
* argument list available to the executed program
* @param envp an array of pointers to null-terminated
* strings that represent the argument list
* available to the new program
* @param file filename of the executed program. If
* fileanme contains a slash, it is taken as a
* pathname. Otherwise, the executable file is
* searched for in the directories specified by the
* PATH env variable
* @param fd file descriptor of the executed program
int execl(const char *path, const char *arg, ...);
int execv(const char *path, char *const argv[]);
int execle(const char *path, const char *arg, ...,
char *const envp[]);
int execve(const char *path, char *const argv[],
char *const envp[]);
int execlp(const char *file, const char *arg, ...);
int execvp(const char *file, char *const argv[]);
int fexecve(int fd, char *const argv[], char *const envp[]);

除了PID, exec后的进程还继承了原本的一些属性:

  • real user ID和real group ID
  • supplementary group IDs
  • process group ID
  • session ID
  • controlling terminal
  • alarm时钟剩余的时间
  • current working directory
  • root directory
  • file mode creation mask
  • file lock
  • process signal mask
  • pending signal
  • resource limits
  • nice value
  • tms_utime, tms_stime, tms_cutime, 和tms_cstime

exec()执行的程序设置了set-user-ID bit, 则EUID(effective user ID)会改为程序文件的owner ID; 若没有设置set-user-ID bit, 则EUID不变.
UNIX系统的实现中, 只有execve()在kernel中调用system call, 其他的exec函数为库函数, 最后通过调用execve()来调用system call
Relationship of the exec functions


  • 若file descriptor设置了close-on-exec flag, 则exec会关闭该file descriptor
  • exec会关闭所有directory streams, 因为opendir()会调用fcntl(), 为每个directory stream设置close-on-exec flag
  • exec会保留进程原本的real user ID和real group ID, 但若程序文件设置了set-user-ID bit或set-group-ID bit, 则effective user ID会改变; 否则effective user ID保持不变, effective group ID同理.

9. Change User IDs and Group IDs

UNIX系统中的权限和访问控制基于user ID和group ID. 当进程需要额外权限时, 需将自身的user ID或group ID改为其他合适的ID. 设计应用时应遵循least-privilege model(最少权限模型), 保证非必要用户无权限访问某些文件, 以降低安全风险.

* @brief set the effective user ID of the calling process
* it is equivalent to setresuid(uid, uid, uid)
int setuid(uid_t uid);

* @brief set the effective group ID of the calling process
* it is equivalent to setresgid(gid, gid, gid)
int setgid(gid_t gid);


  • 若进程为privileged process, 则将real user ID, effective user ID, 和saved set-user-ID设置为uid
  • 若进程不为privileged process, 但uid与进程的real user ID, effective user ID, 或saved set-user-ID相同, 则将effective user ID设置为uid
  • 若不满足上述两条规则, 则返回-1, 并设置errno


以下是user ID被改变的情况:

ID exec setuid(uid)
set-user-ID bit off set-user-ID bit on superuser unprivileged user
real user ID unchanged unchanged set to uid unchanged
effective user ID unchanged set from user ID of program file set to uid set to uid
saved set-user-ID copied from effective user ID copied from effective user ID set to uid unchanged

9.1 setreuid, setregid Functions

* @brief set real and effective user IDs of the calling
* process.
* it is equivalent to setresuid(ruid, euid, -1)
* @return 0 on success; -1 on error and errno is set
int setreuid(uid_t ruid, uid_t euid);

* @brief set real and effective group IDs of the calling
* process.
* it is equivalent to setresgid(rgid, euid, -1)
int setregid(gid_t rgid, gid_t egid);

* @brief set the real user ID, effective user ID,
* and saved set-user-ID of the calling process.
int setresuid(uid_t ruid, uid_t euid, uid_t suid);

* @brief set the real group ID, effective group ID,
* and saved set-group-ID of the calling process.
int setresgid(gid_t rgid, gid_t egid, gid_t sgid);


  • ruid, euid, 或sgid为-1, 则不修改real user ID, effective user ID, 或saved set-user-ID.
  • 若进程为privileged process, 则可将real user ID, effective user ID, 和saved set-user-ID设置为任意值
  • 若进程为unprivileged process, 则只能设置effective user ID, 且effective user ID必须为当前进程的real user ID, effective user ID, 或saved set-user-ID


9.2 seteuid and setegid Functions

* @brief set effective user ID of the callig process
* If the process has privilege, it can set
* effective user ID to any value; If the process
* does not have privilege, effective user id can
* only be set to real user ID or saved set-user-ID
* it is equivalent to setresgid(-1, euid, -1)
* @return 0 on suceess; -1 on error and errno is set
int seteuid(uid_t uid);

* @brief set effective group ID of the calling process
int setegid(gid_t gid);


  • 若进程为privileged process, 则可将effective user ID设置为任意值
  • 若进程不为privileged process, 则只能将effective user ID设置为real user ID or saved set-user-ID

setegid()与上述同理. 相比于setuid(), 该函数不会修改saved set-user-ID, 因此当privileged process使用setuid()降级自身权限以运行程序, 运行后无法恢复到superuser, 这时可使用seteuid().

以下是所有可以更改user ID的函数:
Summary of all the functions that set the various user IDs

9.3 Example

Linux 3.2.0添加了at程序, 可在指定时间点执行一些命令. 该程序的set-user-ID为daemon. 为防止权限泄露, 执行命令时必须在user和daemon切换, 以下是执行步骤:

  1. 假设at程序的owner为root, 且设置了set-user-ID bit:
  • real user ID = our user ID (不变)
  • effective user ID = root (由于开启set-user-ID bit, 因此修改EUID)
  • saved set-user-ID = root
  1. at程序调用seteuid(), 将EUID改为进程的real user ID:
  • real user ID = our user ID (不变)
  • effective user ID = our user ID
  • saved set-user-ID = root (不变)
  1. at访问daemon的配置文件(包含用户输入的命令和执行时间)时, at会调用seteuid将EUID设置为root:
  • real user ID = our user ID (不变)
  • effective user ID = root
  • saved set-user-ID = root (不变)
  1. 访问root的文件后, at会调用seteuid()降低权限, 将EUID改回为user ID:
  • real user ID = our user ID (不变)
  • effective user ID = our user ID
  • saved set-user-ID = root (不变)
  1. daemon以root权限运行, 为运行用户输入的命令, daemon调用fork()生成子进程, 并让子进程调用setuid(), 由于child process也是以root权限执行, 因此会修改所有ID:
  • real user ID = our user ID
  • effective user ID = our user ID
  • saved set-user-ID = our user ID

10. Interpreter Files

现代UNIX系统中, interpreter file(解释器文件)作为文本文件, 会以#!pathname [optional-argument]作为第一行, 感叹号和路径名之间的空格使可选的, 最常见的开头如下:

  • pathname通常为absolute pathname(绝对路径), 因为该路径不会执行特殊操作(不会使用PATH)
  • interpreter file的处理在kernel进行, 会作为exec系统调用的一部分
  • kernel执行的文件不是interpreter file, 而是第一行指定的文件

相比于使用interpreter, interpreter file有以下优点:

  • 隐藏pathname: 用户不必知道使用哪个pathname, 直接执行文件即可:
    /* Without using interpreter file */
    awk -f awkexample optional-arguments

    /* Using interpreter file */
    awkexample optional-arguments
  • interpreter file提供了一种高效获取多个options的方式:
    /* Without using interpreter file */
    awk ’BEGIN {
    for (i = 0; i < ARGC; i++)
    printf "ARGV[%d] = %s\n", i, ARGV[i]
    }’ $*
    /* Using interpreter file */
    #!/usr/bin/awk -f
    BEGIN {
    for (i = 0; i < ARGC; i++)
    printf "ARGV[%d] = %s\n", i, ARGV[i]
  1. UNIX默认使用/bin/sh作为shell, interpreter file可指定其他shell

以下是UNIX执行interpreter file的流程:

  1. shell读取命令并对文件名调用execlp, 由于interpreter file为可执行文件, 而不是机器可执行码, 因此会返回错误.
  2. 以interpreter file内的pathname作为shell
  3. shell执行文件, 但运行awk, shell会调用fork(), exec(), 和wait()

11. system Function

ISO C定义了system(), 该函数的实现依赖于系统调用.

#include <stdlib.h>

* @brief use fork() to create a child process that
* executes the shell command specified in `cmd`
* using execl() as follows:
* execl("/bin/sh", "sh", "-c", cmd, (char *) NULL);
* @return return after the command has been completed.
* The return value is one of the following:
* * nonzero if `cmd` is NULL, and shell is
* available; 0 if no shell is available
* * -1 if child process could not be created
* or its status could not be retrieved
* * if a shell could not be executed in the
* child process, then the return value is
* as though the child shell terminated by
* calling _exit() with status 127
* * if all system calls succeed, the return
* value is the termination status of the
* child shell
int system(const char *cmd);

在设置了set-user-ID bit的执行程序内调用system()可能造成安全漏洞, 因此永远不要这么做. 若以root权限执行程序, system()执行fork()exec()后, child process的EUID会变为superuser, 而不是parent process的EUID, set-group-ID同理.

12. Process Accounting

UNIX系统中可开启process accounting(进程会计), 每当进程结束时, kernel都会写入一条accounting record(会计记录), 该记录会包含一些二进制数据, 如command名字, CPU占用时间, user ID, group ID, 和开始时间. acct()函数可用于开启或关闭process accounting:

* @brief enable or disable process accounting.
* @param filename If it is an existing file,
* accounting is turned on, and records for
* each terminating process are appended to
* filename as it terminates.
* If it is NULL, causes accounting to be
* turned off.
int acct(const char *filename);

13. Process Scheduling

UNIX只有粗粒度的进程调度, 每个进程的调度策略和优先级由kernel决定. 通过修改nice值, 可让低优先级的进程优先被执行. 越小的nice值, 进程的优先级越高, 因此, nice值也可以理解为: nice的进程不会占用太多CPU的时间, 会为其他进程腾出更多运行时间. 只有privileged process可以降低nice值, 非privileged process只能增加nice值来降低自身优先级.

* @brief add `inc` to the nice value for the calling
* thread. The range of nice value is [-20, 19]
* @return new nice value is returned on success;
* -1 on error and errno is set
int nice(int inc);

* @brief obtain the scheduling priority of the process,
* process group, or user as indicated by `which`
* and `who`.
* @param which must be one of the following values:
* * PROI_PROCESS: process
* * PROI_PRGP: process group
* * PRIO_USER: user ID
* @param who zero for the calling process, the process
* group of the calling process, or the real user
* ID of the calling process.
int getpriority(int which, id_t who);

* @brief set the scheduling priority of the process,
* process group, or users as indicated by
* `which`, `who`, and `prio`
* @param prio a value in the range -20 to 19
int setpriority(int which, id_t who, int prio);

The Single UNIX Specification规定nice值的范围为$[0, 2*\text{NZERO}-1]$, NZERO由系统决定. 但没有规定fork()创造的child process如何继承nice value.

14. Process Times


  • User CPU time: 进程在user space中执行指令所使用的CPU时间
  • System CPU time: 进程在kernel space中执行指令所使用的CPU时间
  • Wall clock: User CPU time和System CPU time之和
struct tms {
clock_t tms_utime; /* user CPU time */
clock_t tms_stime; /* system CPU time */
clock_t tms_cutime; /* terminated user CPU time of children */
clock_t tms_cstime; /* terminated system CPU time of children */

* @brief store the current process times in the
* struct `tms` that `buf` points to.
* @return the number of clock ticks that have
* elapsed since a point in the past.
* return -1 on error and errno is set.
clock_t times(struct tms *buf);