1. 调用函数

1.1 调用成员函数

public class Test {
int addTwo(int i, int j){
return i+j;
* int addTwo(int, int);
* Code: stack=2, locals=3, args_size=3
* 0: iload_1 // 从local variable array[1]取值, [0]为this
* 1: iload_2
* 2: iadd
* 3: ireturn

public static void main(String[] args){
Test t = new Test();
* public static void main
* Code: stack=3, locals=2, args_size=1
* 0: new #2 // 在heap上创建于一个class对象, 并将objectref放入operand stack中
* 3: dup // 复制栈顶元素并放入栈顶
* 4: invokespecial #3 // 调用Test的初始化函数init()
* // 由于init无参数, 只将operand stack中的objectref取出并赋给init
* 7: astore_1 // 将operand stack顶部元素取出并存入到local variable的索引1位置上
* 8: aload_1 // 将local variable索引1位置上的元素放入operand stack顶部
* 9: bipush 10 // 将常量10放入operand stack
* 11: bipush 11 // 将常量11放入operand stack
* 13: invokevirtual #4 // 调用函数int addTwo(int, int)
* // 由于是成员函数, 所以将this, 10, 11都作为参数传给addTwo
* 16: pop // 得到结果并弹出
* 25: return

1.2 调用父类函数

class SuperTest{
public int getInfo(){
return 1;

public class Test extends SuperTest {
public int get(){
return super.getInfo();
* 0: aload_0 // 将this装入operand stack
* 1: invokespecial #2 // 调用SuperTest.getinfo()
* // 因为使用super指明是父类函数, 所以调用invokespecial
* 4: ireturn

1.3 调用静态函数

static int addTwoStatic(int i, int j){
return i+j;
* static int addTwoStatic(int, int);
* Code: stack=2, locals=2, args_size=2
* 0: iload_0 // 直接从索引0开始从local variable array中取值
* 1: iload_1
* 2: iadd
* 3: ireturn

public static void main(String[] args){
* 0: bipush 11
* 2: bipush 12
* 4: invokestatic #2 // 调用addTwoStatic(int, int)
* // 由于是静态函数所以不需要传入this
* 7: pop
* 8: return

2. Constant, Local Variable和Control Construct的使用

2.1 int类型变量的操作

void spin() {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
// Loop body is empty

* 0: iconst_0 // 将constant 0放入operand stack中
* 1: istore_0 // 将operand stack的顶端元素取出, 并赋值给local variable array中索引为0的元素(也就是i)
* 2: iload_0 // 将local variable array中index为0的元素值(也就是i的值)放入operand stack中
* 3: bipush 100 // 将要一个byte大小(因为100只用8位就能表示)的立即数放入operand stack
* 5: if_icmpge 14 // 将operand stack顶部的两个值取出(例如v1和v2), 如果v1>=v2, 跳至14
* 8: iinc 0, 1 // 将local variable array中索引为0的值自加1(自加的值必须为signed int)
* 11: goto 2 // 跳转到2
* 14: return // 返回void

2.2 short类型变量操作

由于operand stack和local variable的实现原因, Java指令支持int的store, load, add操作(也因为int使用最为频繁). 但对于其他Integer(byte, char, short)就没有相应的指令, 例如:

void sspin() {
short i;
for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
; // Loop body is empty

* 0: iconst_0
* 1: istore_0 // 使用int的方法存取
* 2: iload_0
* 3: bipush 100
* 5: if_icmpge 16 // 使用int的比较方法来比较short类型
* 8: iload_0
* 9: iconst_1
* 10: iadd
* 11: i2s
* 12: istore_0
* 13: goto 2
* 16: return

2.3 double类型变量操作

由于缺乏byte, char和short的操作指令, 所以用int的指令代替. 但这并没有什么不妥, 只不过int操作会导致值的截断
对于long和float类型来说, 有store和load指令, 但没有比较指令. 下面只以double为例:

void dspin() {
double i;
for (i = 0.0; i < 100.0; i++) {
; // Loop body is empty

* 0: dconst_0
* 1: dstore_0
* 2: dload_0
* 3: ldc2_w #2 // double 100.0d
* 6: dcmpg // 从operand stack取出两个double值, v1,v2(v2在v1之上)
* // 如果v1>v2, 将int 1放入operand stack
* // 如果v1==v2, 将int 0放入operand stack
* // 如果v1<v2, 将int -1放入operand stack
* // 如果v1或v2其中一个为NaN, dcmpg将1放入operand stack, dcmpl将-1放入operand stack
* 7: ifge 17 // 从operand stack顶部取出一个int值, 如果该值>=0, 则跳转至17
* 10: dload_0
* 11: dconst_1
* 12: dadd
* 13: dstore_0
* 14: goto 2
* 17: return

3. Arithmetic

JVM通常会在operand stack上做算术运算(iinc是个例外, 它直接针对local variable), 例如:

int align2grain(int i, int grain) {
return ((i + grain-1) & ~(grain-1));
* 0: iload_0 // 将local variable中第一个值(i)放入operand stack
* 1: iload_1 // 将local variable中第二个值(grain)放入operand stack
* 2: iadd // 从operand stack中取出两个值, 相加(i+grain)并将结果放入operand stack
* 3: iconst_1 // 将1放入operand stack
* 4: isub // 从operand stack中取出两个int值, 相减并将结果放入operand stack
* 5: iload_1 // 将grain放入operand stack
* 6: iconst_1 // 将1放入operand stack
* 7: isub // 取出两个int值相减并放回结果
* 8: iconst_m1 // 放入-1(~x==-1^x)
* 9: ixor // 取出两个int, 异或操作后放入结果
* 10: iand // 取出两个int, and操作后放入结果
* 11: ireturn

4. Run-time Constant Pool

4.1 -1 ~ 5


int i = 5;
* 0: iconst_5
* 1: istore_1

4.2 -128 ~ 127


int i1 = 127;
int i2 = -128;
* 0: bipush 127
* 2: istore_1
* 3: bipush -128
* 5: istore_2

4.3 -32768 ~ 32767


int i1 = -32768;
int i2 = 32767;
* 0: sipush -32768
* 3: istore_1
* 4: sipush 32767
* 7: istore_2

4.4 -2147483648 ~ 2147483647


int i1 = -32769;
int i2 = 32768;
* 0: ldc #2 // int -32769
* 2: istore_1
* 3: ldc #3 // int 32768
* 5: istore_2

4.5 long and double

如果分配0或1, 则用lconst_<l>dconst_<d>

long l1 = 0;
long l2 = 1;
long l3 = 2;
* 0: lconst_0
* 1: lstore_1
* 2: lconst_1
* 3: lstore_3
* 4: ldc2_w #2 // long 2l
* 7: lstore 5

double d1 = 0.0;
double d2 = 1.0;
double d3 = 3.0;
* 9: dconst_0
* 10: dstore 7
* 12: dconst_1
* 13: dstore 9
* 15: ldc2_w #4 // double 3.0d
* 18: dstore 11

5. 条件控制

5.1 int

void whileInt() {
int i = 0;
while (i < 100) {
* 0: iconst_0 // 将0放入operand stack
* 1: istore_0 // 将0从operand stack取出, 放入i
* 2: iload_0 // 把i的值加载到operand stack中
* 3: bipush 100 // 将100放入operand stack
* 5: if_icmpge 14 // 取出并对比, i>=100则跳转至14
* 8: iinc 0, 1 // i自加1
* 11: goto 2 // 跳转至2
* 14: return

5.2 float/double

对于float和double类型来说, 有两种对比方式

  • fcmpl和fcmpg
  • dcmpl和dcmpg

当遇到NaN时会做出不同的行为, 以下以double为例:

int lessThan100(double d) { // 输入d为Double.NaN
if (d < 100.0) {
return 1;
} else {
return -1;

* 0: dload_0
* 1: ldc2_w #2 // double 100.0d
* 4: dcmpg // 由于v1和v2中有NaN, 将1装入operand stack中
* 5: ifge 10 // 1>0, 跳转到10
* 8: iconst_1
* 9: ireturn
* 10: iconst_m1 // 将-1放入operand stack
* 11: ireturn // 返回operand stack

5.3 break

void breakTest(int i) { // i=10

* 0: iload_0
* 1: bipush 10
* 3: if_icmpge 20
* 6: iload_0
* 7: iconst_5
* 8: if_icmple 14
* 11: goto 20
* 14: iinc 0, 1
* 17: goto 0
* 20: return

6. function parameter

非成员函数将参数从0开始添加, 成员函数从1开始添加

static int addTwo(int i, int j){
return i+j;
* static int addTwo(int, int);
* flags: ACC_STATIC
* Code:
* stack=2, locals=2, args_size=2
* 0: iload_0 // 从current frame的local variable array中获得索引为0的int值
* 1: iload_1 // 从索引1上获得int值
* 2: iadd // 从operand stack中取出2个int相加
* 3: ireturn // 取出operand stack中所有值放入local variable array, 返回local variable array

public static void main(String[] args){
* public static void main(java.lang.String[]);
* Code:
* stack=2, locals=1, args_size=1
* 0: iconst_1 // 将1放入operand stack
* 1: iconst_2 // 将2放入operand stack
* 2: invokestatic #2 // Method addTwo:(II)I
* 5: pop // 将operand stack顶部的值移出
* 6: return

7. Class Object

7.1 object as parameter

Test getTest() {
Test t = new Test();
return processTest(t);

* 0: new #2 // new Test(), 将objectref装入operand stack
* 3: dup // 复制objectref
* 4: invokespecial #3 // 移出一个objectref, 调用初始化函数init()
* 7: astore_0 // 移出一个objectref, 赋值给Local variable array索引为0的元素(t)
* 8: aload_0 // 将local variable array索引为0的元素装入operand stack
* 9: invokestatic #4 // 从operand stack中移出t, 并调用process Test
* 12: areturn // 从operand stack取出并返回objectref

static Test processTest(Test t) {
if (t != null)
return t;
return null;

* 0: aload_0 // 将local variable array中索引为0的元素(参数t)装入operand stack
* 1: ifnull 6 // 取出t, 并对比null. 如果t==null则跳转到6
* 4: aload_0 // 将t装入operand stack
* 5: areturn // 从operand stack中取出t, 并返回
* 6: aconst_null // 将null放入operand stack
* 7: areturn // 从operand stack中取出null, 并返回

7.2 call member function

public class Test {
int i = 1;

void set(int i) {
this.i = i;
* 0: aload_0 // 将this装入operand stack
* 1: iload_1 // 将常量1装入operand stack
* 2: putfield #2 // 取出this和1, 通过this(objectref)找到堆上的t对象
* // 并通过#2(Fieldref)确定修改的值(i), 最后将1赋值给i
* 5: return

public static void main(String[] args){
Test t = new Test();
* 0: new #3 // new Test, 将objectref放入operand stack
* 3: dup // 复制objectref
* 4: invokespecial #4 // 取出一个objectref, 进行init初始化
* 7: astore_1 // 取出一个objectref, 赋值给local variable array中index为1的元素(t)
* // local variable array索引为0的元素是main函数的参数String[]
* 8: aload_1 // 将t装入operand stack
* 9: iconst_2 // 将常量2装入operand stack
* 10: invokevirtual #5 // 取出t(this)和2, 调用成员函数set(int)
* 13: return

8. Array

8.1 one-dimensional array of primitive type

int buffer[];
buffer = new int[100];
int value = 12;
buffer[10] = value;
value = buffer[11];

* 0: bipush 100
* 2: newarray int // 取出100, 创建于一个int[100]数组
* // 将arrayref装入operand stack
* 4: astore_1 // 取出arrayref并赋值给buffer
* 5: bipush 12
* 7: istore_2 // 赋值value
* 8: aload_1 // 装入buffer
* 9: bipush 10
* 11: iload_2 // 装入value
* 12: iastore // 将buffer, 10, value取出并赋值: buffer[10]=value
* 13: aload_1 // 装入buffer
* 14: bipush 11
* 16: iaload // 取出buffer和11, 装入buffer[11]的值
* 17: istore_2 // 取出buffer[11], 赋值给value
* 18: return

8.2 one-dimensional array with of reference

Test buffer[];
buffer = new Test[100];

Test value = new Test();
buffer[10] = value;
value = buffer[11];

* 0: bipush 100
* 2: anewarray #2 // 不一样的指令来创建引用数组
* 5: astore_1
* 6: new #2 // 创建Test对象
* 9: dup
* 10: invokespecial #3 // init()
* 13: astore_2
* 14: aload_1
* 15: bipush 10
* 17: aload_2
* 18: aastore // 不一样的数组赋值指令
* 19: aload_1
* 20: bipush 11
* 22: aaload // 不一样的数组取值指令
* 23: astore_2
* 24: return

8.3 multi-dimensional array

int buffer[][][];
buffer = new int[2][3][4];

int value = 10;
buffer[1][1][1] = value;
value = buffer[1][1][1];

* 0: iconst_2
* 1: iconst_3
* 2: iconst_4
* 3: multianewarray #2,3 // 从operand stack中取出2,3,4作为数组长度
* // #2作为array的符号引用("[[[I"), 3作为数组的维度
* 7: astore_1 // 赋值给buffer
* 8: bipush 10
* 10: istore_2 // 赋值给value
* 11: aload_1
* 12: iconst_1
* 13: aaload // 获得buffer[1]
* 14: iconst_1
* 15: aaload // 获得buffer[1][1]
* 16: iconst_1
* 17: iload_2
* 18: iastore // 将value存入buffer[1][1][1]中
* 19: aload_1 // 获得buffer
* 20: iconst_1
* 21: aaload // 获得buffer[1]
* 22: iconst_1
* 23: aaload // 获得buffer[1][1]
* 24: iconst_1
* 25: iaload // 获得buffer[1][1][1]
* 26: istore_2 // 将buffer[1][1][1]赋值给value
* 27: return

9. switch

Java有两条指令来处理int类型的switch: tableswitchlookupswitch. 如果数据类型为byte, char或short, 则先将类型提升至int然后再做处理. tableswitch针对连续case值, lookupswitch针对不连续case值:

9.1 table

int chooseNear(int i) {
switch (i) {
case 0: return 0;
case 1: return 1;
case 2: return 2;
default: return -1;

* 0: iload_0
* 1: tableswitch { // 0 to 2
* 0: 28 // 跳转至28
* 1: 30 // 跳转至30
* 2: 32 // 跳转至32
* default: 34
* }
* 28: iconst_0
* 29: ireturn
* 30: iconst_1
* 31: ireturn
* 32: iconst_2
* 33: ireturn
* 34: iconst_m1
* 35: ireturn

9.2 lookupswitch

int chooseFar(int i) {
switch (i) {
case -10: return 0;
case 10: return 1;
case 20: return 2;
default: return -1;

* 0: iload_0
* 1: lookupswitch { // 3
* -10: 36
* 10: 38
* 20: 40
* default: 42
* }
* 36: iconst_0
* 37: ireturn
* 38: iconst_1
* 39: ireturn
* 40: iconst_2
* 41: ireturn
* 42: iconst_m1
* 43: ireturn

10. Member Variable

private long index = 0;

long nextIndex() {
return index++;

0: aload_0 // 装入this
1: dup
2: getfield #2 // 通过this(objectref)和#2(Fieldref)获得index的值, 并装入operand stack
5: dup2_x1 // 复制index的值
6: lconst_1
7: ladd // 取出index和1, 装入求和后的数值(1)
8: putfield #2 // 通过this, #2将和数(1)放回index
11: lreturn // 返回index未改变的值(0)

11. Declaring Member Variable

11.1 throw

当用athrow时, 则在exception_table中寻找这个objectref的handler, 如果找到对应的handler, pc重置到handler的位置, 并将frame的operand stack清空, objectref装入operand stack中.
如果没有handler, 则将当前frame弹出, 并将objectref抛给该frame的调用者.

int dosomething() throws ArithmeticException {
int a =0, b = 1;
if(a == 0){
throw new ArithmeticException();
return b/a;

0: iconst_0
1: istore_0 // a=0
2: iconst_1
3: istore_1 // b=0
4: iload_0
5: ifne 16 // 如果a!=0, 跳转到16
8: new #2 // 创建一个ArithmeticException对象, objectref入栈
11: dup
12: invokespecial #3 // 调用ArithmeticException的初始化函数<init>
15: athrow // 抛出一个objectref
16: iload_1
17: iload_0
18: idiv
19: ireturn

11.2 catch

void dosomething() throws ArithmeticException {
try {
int a = 1 / 0;
} catch (ArithmeticException e) {
System.out.println("an error");

0: iconst_1 // 装入1
1: iconst_0 // 装入0
2: idiv
3: istore_0 // 存入a
4: goto 16
7: astore_0 // 取出objectref
8: getstatic #3 // 获得PrintStream
11: ldc #4 // "an error"
13: invokevirtual #5 // 调用println
16: return

11.3 finally

void dosomething() {
int a = 1;
int b = 3;
try {
b = a + b;
} catch (RuntimeException e1) {
b = a - b;
} catch (Exception e2) {
b = a * b;
} finally {
a = 0;

0: iconst_1
1: istore_0 // a=1
2: iconst_3
3: istore_1 // b=3
4: iload_0
5: iload_1
6: iadd // a+b
7: istore_1 // b=a+b
8: iconst_0 // finally
9: istore_0
10: goto 38
13: astore_2 // 异常对象引用在operand stack栈顶, 放入local variable
14: iload_0
15: iload_1
16: isub // a-b
17: istore_1
18: iconst_0 // finally
19: istore_0
20: goto 38
23: astore_2 // 异常对象引用在operand stack栈顶, 放入local variable
24: iload_0
25: iload_1
26: imul // a*b
27: istore_1
28: iconst_0 // finally
29: istore_0
30: goto 38
33: astore_3 // 异常对象引用在operand stack栈顶, 放入local variable
34: iconst_0 // finally
35: istore_0
36: aload_3
37: athrow // 抛出异常
38: return