1. Thread Concepts

多线程让程序可在一个进程内执行多个事务, 每个线程负责一个事务, 这么做有以下好处:

  • 简化异步事件代码: 由于每个线程处理一种事件类型, 因此每个线程内使用同步编程模型. 同步编程模型处理起来更简单.
  • 共享数据: 多进程共享数据需要一些操作系统提供的工具, 如shared memory和file descriptor; 线程天生就共享同一内存地址空间和file descriptor.
  • 提高吞吐量: 处理多个独立任务时, 可让每个线程负责一个任务, 以更好的利用多核CPU.
  • 交互式程序: 将程序拆分给多个线程, 每个线程独立处理用户的输入和输出, 当线程执行高延迟I/O操作时, 可切换到其他线程并等待I/O完成.

多核或单核系统都能利用多线程的优势, 程序可使用任意数量的线程, 不必依照CPU的数量, 因此不会影响程序设计. 只要程序执行任务时会被阻塞, 就能让其他线程先执行, 从而提高单处理器上的响应时间和吞吐量.

  • Thread ID: 进程内的线程标识
  • 一组寄存器值
  • Stack
  • 调度优先级和调度策略
  • signal mask
  • errno值
  • 线程特定数据


  • text sement: 可执行程序代码
  • data segment: 全局变量
  • heap
  • 当前工作目录
  • 用户id和组id
  • file descriptor


  • 线程id
  • context: 寄存器值, 包括程序计数器(PC), 栈指针寄存器(SP)
  • stack
  • errno值
  • signal mask
  • 调度优先级

2. Thread Identification

进程的PID在整个系统中唯一, 但thread ID不同: thread ID只在单个进程内唯一, 线程结束后会回收thread ID.
Thread ID以pthread_t类型标识, 由于POSIX.1没有规定pthread_t的实现, 因此为了程序的可移植性, 不能把pthread_t当做integer, 也不能用==判断两个thread ID是否相等:

  • Linux 3.2.0使用unsigned long integer表示pthread_t
  • FreeBSD 8.0和Mac OS X 10.6.8使用指向pthread struct的指针表示pthread_t
* @brief return the thread ID of the calling thread
pthread_t pthread_self(void);

* @brief compares two thread identifiers
int pthread_equal(pthread_t tid1, pthread_t tid2);

pthread_equal()的主要用途: 让线程识别一个data structure内附带的thread ID. 例如: 一个master thread将任务放入队列, 线程池内的worker thread从队列中取出任务. Master会在每个任务内放入一个thread ID, 因此每个任务只会被特定worker执行:
master thread and worker thread

3. Thread Creation

#include <pthread.h>

* @brief create a new thread with attributes specified by
* attr within a process. The new thread starts
* execution by invoking start_rtn() with sole
* argument arg
* @param tidp: the thread ID of the newly created thread
* @param attr: if null, the thread is created with default
* attribute
* @return 0 on success; error number on error and the
* content of tidp is undefined
int pthread_create(pthread_t *tidp, const pthread_attr_t *attr,
void *(*start_rtn)(void *), void *arg);

UNIX不保证被创建的线程和当前线程之间的运行顺序. 虽然新建的线程会继承当前线程的signal mask, 但所有pending signal都会被清理.
UNIX中每个线程都拥有各自的errno, 但pthread functions不会使用到. 因为errno是为线程内运行的程序使用, pthread functions使用return value告知caller是否调用成功.

4. Thread Termination

线程内调用exit(), _Exit(), _exit()会导致整个进程终止运行. 若只想终止单个线程, 可使用以下方法:

  1. call return from the start routine, the return value is the thread's exit code
  2. cancelled by another thread in the same process
  3. call pthread_exit()
#include <pthread.h>

* @brief terminate the calling thread and return a value
* via retval that is available to another thread
* that calls pthread_join(). Any clean-up handlers
* established by pthread_cleanup_push() that have
* not been popped are popped and executed. All the
* thread-specific data will be destoried after
* clean-up handlers in an unspecified order
void pthread_exit(void *retval);

* @brief wait for the thread specified by thread to
* terminate. If thread has already terminated, then
* returns immediately
* @param retval: if not null, the copies the exit status
* of target thread into the location pointed to by
* retval. If target thread was cancelled,
* PTHREAD_CANCELED is placed to retval
* @return 0 on success; error number on error.
int pthread_join(pthread_t thread, void **retval);

由于retval的类型为无类型指针, 所以可以传入一个structure. 但需要注意: 若retval指向的变量位于stack(临时变量), 线程调用pthread_exit()后销毁所有线程内的数据, 导致pthread_join()中retval获取的数据为无效数据. 因此应使用global variable或调用malloc()将数据创建在heap上.

#include <pthread.h>

* @brief send a cancellation request to the thread tid.
* Thread can call pthread_exit() with an argument
* of PTHREAD_CANCELED to terminate itself; Or a
* thread can elect to ignore or control how it is
* cancelled
int pthread_cancel(pthread_t tid);

* @brief push rtn onto the top of the stack of clean-up
* handlers
* @param arg: the argument of rtn
void pthread_cleanup_push(void (*rtn)(void *), void *arg);

* @brief remove the routine at the top od the stack of
* clean-up handlers, and execute is if execute is
* nonzero
void pthread_cleanup_pop(int execute);

pthread_cleanup_pop()会在以下三种情况下弹出clean-up handler并执行该handler:

  1. thread is cancelled
  2. thread terminates itself by calling pthread_exit()
  3. thread calls pthread_cleanup_pop() with a nonzero execute argument
#include <pthread.h>

* @brief mark the thread identified by tid as detached.
* When a detached thread terminates, its resources
* are automatically released back to system
* @return 0 on success; error number on errpr
int pthread_detach(pthread_t tid);

5. Thread Synchronization

由于thread之间共享内存, 所以需要确保数据一致性. 若每个线程不对其他线程的变量进行修改, 则不存在数据一致性问题. 当一个线程会修改其他线程可能读取或修改的变量时, 就需要采取策略来实现数据一致性.
若修改数据的操作是原子性的, 则不存在竞争, 因而不存在数据一致性问题. 而现在计算机系统都有多核处理器, 导致每个CPU会有cache来缓存数据, 也会导致数据不一致问题依然存在.

5.1 Mutexes

为保证数据在某一时间只被一个thread访问, 可采用pthread mutual-exclusion interface. Mutex作为一种锁, 可保证共享数据被访问前后都有锁保护. 若其他thread想获取mutex, 则thread被block.

#include <pthread.h>

* @brief initialize the mutex referenced by mutex with
* attributes specified by attr
* @param attr: if null, the default mutex attributes are
* used
* @return 0 on success; error number on error.
int pthread_mutex_init(pthread_mutex_t *mutex,
const pthread_mutexattr_t *attr);

* @brief Destroy the mutex object referenced by mutex
int pthread_mutex_destroy(pthread_mutex_t *mutex);

PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER会创建静态mutex object, pthread_mutex_init()则会创建动态mutex object(调用malloc()创造, 需要调用pthread_mutex_destroy()销毁).

#include <pthread.h>

* @brief The mutex object referenced by mutex shall be
* locked. If the mutex is already locked, the call
* will block until the mutex is unlocked.
* @return 0 on success; error number on error.
int pthread_mutex_lock(pthread_mutex_t *mutex);

* @brief equal to pthread_mutex_lock(), except that if the
* mutex object referenced by mutex is currently
* locked, the call shall return immediately
* @return same as pthread_mutex_lock()
int pthread_mutex_trylock(pthread_mutex_t *mutex);

* @brief unlock the mutex object referenced by mutex
* @return same as pthread_mutex_lock()
int pthread_mutex_unlock(pthread_mutex_t *mutex);

5.2 Deadlock Avoidance

单个锁造成死锁的可能性不大, 除非thread在获得mutex后继续尝试获取该mutex. 若锁的数量大于1个后, 死锁的可能性就变得很大, 例如: thread 1和thread 2都需要获取mutex A和mutex B. Thread 1已获取mutex A, 尝试获取mutex B; Thread 2已获取mutex B, 尝试获取mutex A. 若thread 1或thread 2都不打算释放已获取的mutex, 则两个thread都陷入死锁并一直等待.
避免死锁的方法之一: 控制获取锁的顺序. 若thread 1和thread 2必须在获取mutex A后才能获取mutex B, 则死锁永远不会发生. 但程序随体积变大, 锁的获取顺序不再容易控制, 这时可采用另一种策略: 若当前无法获取mutex, 则等待一段时间后再尝试获取(调用pthread_mutex_trylock()防止阻塞该thread).

5.3 pthread_mutex_timedlock Function

#include <pthread.h>
#include <time.h>

* @brief lock the mutex object referenced by mutex. If the
* mutex is already locked, the calling thread shall
* block until the mutex becomes available. This wait
* shall be terminated when specified timeout tsptr
* expires
* @return 0 on success; error number on error
int pthread_mutex_timedlock(pthread_mutex_t *mutex,
const struct timespec *tsptr);

若函数超时但依然没有获得锁, 则返回ETIMEDOUT error number.

5.4 Reader-Writer Lock

Reader-writer lock与mutex相似, 但提供了更好的并发性. Mutex让资源在某一时刻有且只有一个thread能够访问; Read-writer lock则允许多个reader threads同时访问资源, 但有且只有一个writer可以写入.
虽然Reader-writer lock的实现多种多样, 但当writer试图获取锁时, 都会屏蔽新来reader获取锁的请求. 若不屏蔽新来reader的锁请求, writer可能陷入饥饿而长期无法获取资源的使用权.
Reader-writer lock适用于大量读取但写入频率较低的情况. Reader-writer lock也被称为shared–exclusive lock, 因为reader共享资源访问, 而writer则不允许资源被其他writer或reader访问.

#include <pthread.h>

* @brief allocate any resources required to use the read-
* write lock referenced by rwlock and initialize
* the lock to an unlocked state with attributes
* referenced by attr
* @param attr: if null, the default read-write lock
* attributes shall be used
* @return 0 on success; error number on error
int pthread_rwlock_init(pthread_rwlock_t *rwlock,
const pthread_rwlockattr_t *attr);

* @brief destroy the read-write lock object referenced by
* rwlock and release any resources used by the lock
int pthread_rwlock_destroy(pthread_rwlock_t *rwlock);

与mutex相同, Single UNIX Specification定义了一个宏定义: PTHREAD_RWLOCK_INITIALIZER用于创建静态的rwlock.

#include <pthread.h>

* @brief apply a read lock to the read-write lock
* referenced by rwlock. If there's no writer hold
* the lock and no writer blocked on the lock, the
* calling thread acquires the read lock
int pthread_rwlock_rdlock(pthread_rwlock_t *rwlock);

* @brief apply a write lock to the read-write lock
* referenced by rwlock. If there's no reader and
* writer holds the lock, the calling thread acquires
* the writer lock
int pthread_rwlock_wrlock(pthread_rwlock_t *rwlock);

* @brief release a lock held on the read-write lock object
* referenced by rwlock.
int pthread_rwlock_unlock(pthread_rwlock_t *rwlock);

Single UNIX Specification还定义了以下函数用于防止死锁发生:

#include <pthread.h>

* @brief apply a read lock but never block
* @return 0 on success; EBUSY if a writer holds the lock
* or a writer blocked on it
int pthread_rwlock_tryrdlock(pthread_rwlock_t *rwlock);

* @brief apply a write lock but never block
* @return same as pthread_rwlock_tryrdlock()
int pthread_rwlock_trywrlock(pthread_rwlock_t *rwlock);

Single UNIX Specification还提供了带超时功能的reader-writer locks, 可用于防止为了获取rwlock而陷入无限的阻塞

#include <pthread.h>
#include <time.h>

* @brief apply a read lock to the read-write lock
* referenced by rwlock. If the lock cannot be
* acquire, this wait shall be terminated when the
* specified timeout tsptr expires.
int pthread_rwlock_timedrdlock(pthread_rwlock_t *rwlock,
const struct timespec *tsptr);

* @brief apply a write lock to the read-write lock
* referenced by rwlock. If the lock cannot be
* acquired, this wait shall be terminated when the
* specified timeout expires
int pthread_rwlock_timedwrlock(pthread_rwlock_t *rwlock,
const struct timespec *tsptr);

5.5 Condition Variable

Mutex虽然解决了安全访问共有资源问题, 但没有解决线程之间的状态同步问题: 当某一线程想要保持阻塞, 直到某一事件发生时再运行, 那么就需要一个variable来提醒该线程.

/* in thread 1 */
pthread_mutex_lock(mx); /* protecting state access */
while (state != GOOD) {

/* in thread 2 */
pthread_mutex_lock(mx); /* protecting state access */
state = GOOD;
signal_event(); /* expecting to wake thread 1 up */

上述代码看似解决了状态同步问题, 但存在一个bug: 当thread 1执行完pthread_mutex_unlock()后, CPU的执行权可能转移到thread 2. Thread 2在执行完后再次回到thread 1, 而这时thread 1调用wait_for_event()并陷入永久的睡眠. 问题的关键在于无法实现原子性的unlock和wait连续操作.

/* in thread 1 */
pthread_mutex_lock(mx); /* protecting state access */
while (state != GOOD) {
pthread_cond_wait(cond, mx); /* unlocks the mutex and sleeps, then locks it back */

/* in thread 2 */
pthread_mutex_lock(mx); /* protecting state access */
state = GOOD;
pthread_cond_signal(cond); /* expecting to wake thread 1 up */

Conditional variable则很好的实现了这一功能.

#include <pthread.h>

* @brief initialize the condition variable referenced by
* cond with attributes referenced by attr
* @param attr: if null, the default condition shall be used
int pthread_cond_init(pthread_cond_t *cond,
const pthread_condattr_t *attr);

* @brief destroy the given condition variable specified by
* cond
int pthread_cond_destroy(pthread_cond_t *cond);

* @brief block on a condition variable
int pthread_cond_wait(pthread_cond_t *cond,
pthread_mutex_t *mutex);

* @brief same as pthread_cond_wait(), except that an error
* is returned if the absolute time specified by
* tsptr passes
int pthread_cond_timedwait(pthread_cond_t *cond,
pthread_mutex_t *mutex,
const struct timespec *tsptr);

* @brief unblock at least one of the threads that are
* blocked on the specified condition variable cond
int pthread_cond_signal(pthread_cond_t *cond);

* @brief unblock all threads currently blocked on the
* specified condition variable cond
int pthread_cond_broadcast(pthread_cond_t *cond);

5.6 Spin Locks

Spin Lock功能上与mutex相同, 都是控制公共资源的访问. 但与mutex不同的是, thread无法获得spin lock时会不断尝试获取, CPU不断运转来保证thread一直尝试获取spin lock; 而无法获取mutex时会thread被阻塞, thread会让出CPU让其他thread运行.
Spin lock之所以这样设计是因为context switch的时间过长, 每次获取mutex失败后都要经历阻塞thread, 载入其他线程等操作. Lock mutex与unlock mutex之间的实际运行代码长度过短时, CPU的大部分时间都会浪费在context switch. 这时spin lock的优势就展现出来: 无需处理context switch.

#include <pthread.h>

* @brief allocate any resources required to use the spin
* lock referenced by lock and initialize the lock
* to an unlocked state
* @param pshared: the process-shared attribute
* 1. PTHREAD_PROCESS_SHARED: permit the spin lock
* to be operated by any thread in any other
* processes
* 2. PTHREAD_PROCESS_PRIVATE: only be operated by
* threads created within the same process
int pthread_spin_init(pthread_spinlock_t *lock, int pshared);

* @brief destroy the spin lock referenced by lock and
* release any resources used by the lock
int pthread_spin_destroy(pthread_spinlock_t *lock);

* @brief lock the spin lock referenced by lock if it is
* not held by any thread. Otherwise, the thread
* shall spin until the lock becomes available
int pthread_spin_lock(pthread_spinlock_t *lock);

* @brief lock the spin lock referenced by lock if it is
* not held by any thread. Otherwise, the function
* shall fail
int pthread_spin_trylock(pthread_spinlock_t *lock);

* @brief elease the spin lock referenced by lock
int pthread_spin_unlock(pthread_spinlock_t *lock);

虽然spin lock有一定好处, 但实际使用情况却十分有限, 原因如下:

  1. 现代处理器context switch所需时间越来越短
  2. mutex实现加入了spin lock思想: mutex获取失败后不会立刻阻塞, 而是再尝试一定次数. 若这之后依旧没有获得mutex, 则陷入阻塞

5.7 Barriers

Barriers作为同步机制之一, 可让多个并发运行的threads协同工作. Thread到达barrier后会进行等待, 直到指定数量的线程到达该barrier后再一起恢复运行.

#include <pthread.h>

* @brief allocate any resources required to use the barrier
* referenced by barrier and initialize the barrier
* with attributes referenced by attr
* @param count: the number of threads before any of them
* successfully return from the call
int pthread_barrier_init(pthread_barrier_t *barrier,
const pthread_barrierattr_t *attr,
unsigned int count);

* @brief destroy the barrier referenced by barrier and
* release any resources used by the barrier
int pthread_barrier_destroy(pthread_barrier_t *barrier);

* @brief synchronize participating threads at the barrier
* referenced by barrier. The calling thread shall
* block until the required number of threads have
* called pthread_barrier_wait() specifying the
* barrier
* @return one thread receives PTHREAD_BARRIER_SERIAL_THREAD
* the other threads receive 0. This allows one
* thread to continue as the master to act on the
* results of the work done by all threads
int pthread_barrier_wait(pthread_barrier_t *barrier);

barrier在使用中不能修改count. 若想重置count, 必须调用pthread_barrier_destroy()pthread_barrier_init()重新设置count.