1. Special characters in Markdown

符号 中文名称 对应编码 英文名称
& AND 符号 & ampersand
  空格   space
¿ 倒问号 ¿ inverted question mark
? 问号 ? question mark
« 左书名号 « left-pointing double angle quotation mark
» 右书名号 » right-pointing double angle quotation mark
" 引号 " quotation mark
左单引号 ‘ left single quotation mark
右单引号 ’ right single quotation mark
左双引号 “ left double quotation mark
右双引号 ” right double quotation mark
段落符号 ¶ pilcrow sign
§ 分节符号 § section sign
左箭头 ← leftwards arrow
右箭头 → rightwards arrow
上箭头 ↑ upwards arrow
下箭头 ↓ downwards arrow
水平箭头 ↔ left right arrow
竖直箭头 ↕ up down arrow
双线左箭头 ⇐ leftwards double arrow
双线右箭头 ⇒ rightwards double arrow
双线上箭头 ⇑ upwards double arrow
双线上箭头 ⇓ downwards double arrow
双线水平双箭头 ⇔ left right double arrow
双线竖直箭头 ⇕ up down double arrow
黑桃 ♠ black spade suit
黑心 ♥ black heart suit
黑梅花 ♣ black club suit
黑方块 ♦ black diamond suit
白桃 ♤ white spade suit
白心 ♡ white heart suit
白梅花 ♧ white club suit
白方块 ♢ white diamond suit
© 版权 © copyright sign
® 注册商标 ® registered sign
未注册商标 ™ trade mark sign
¥ 人民币 ¥ yen/yuan sign
欧元 € euro sign
¢ 美分 ¢ cent sign
£ 英磅 £ pound sign
异或 ⊕ exclusive or
½ 二分之一 ½ vulgar fraction one half
¼ 四分之一 ¼ vulgar fraction one quarter
千分符号 ‰ per mille sign
α α alpha
β β beta
γ γ gamma
δ δ delta
θ θ theta
λ λ lambda
σ σ sigma
τ τ tau

2. Highlighted Language Names and Aliases


语言全称 语言简称
1C 1c
ABNF abnf
Access logs accesslog
Ada ada
ARM assembler armasm, arm
AVR assembler avrasm
ActionScript actionscript, as
Apache apache, apacheconf
AppleScript applescript, osascript
AsciiDoc asciidoc, adoc
AspectJ aspectj
AutoHotkey autohotkey
AutoIt autoit
Awk awk, mawk, nawk, gawk
Axapta axapta
Bash bash, sh, zsh
Basic basic
BNF bnf
Brainfuck brainfuck, bf
C# cs, csharp
C++ cpp, c, cc, h, c++, h++, hpp
C/AL cal
Cache Object Script cos, cls
CMake cmake, cmake.in
Coq coq
CSP csp
CSS css
Cap’n Proto capnproto, capnp
Clojure clojure, clj
CoffeeScript coffeescript, coffee, cson, iced
Crmsh crmsh, crm, pcmk
Crystal crystal, cr
D d
DNS Zone file dns, zone, bind
DOS dos, bat, cmd
Dart dart
Delphi delphi, dpr, dfm, pas, pascal, freepascal, lazarus, lpr, lfm
Diff diff, patch
Django django, jinja
Dockerfile dockerfile, docker
dsconfig dsconfig
DTS (Device Tree) dts
Dust dust, dst
EBNF ebnf
Elixir elixir
Elm elm
Erlang erlang, erl
Excel excel, xls, xlsx
F# fsharp, fs
FIX fix
Fortran fortran, f90, f95
G-Code gcode, nc
Gams gams, gms
GAUSS gauss, gss
Gherkin gherkin
Go go, golang
Golo golo, gololang
Gradle gradle
Groovy groovy
HTML, XML xml, html, xhtml, rss, atom, xjb, xsd, xsl, plist
HTTP http, https
Haml haml
Handlebars handlebars, hbs, html.hbs, html.handlebars
Haskell haskell, hs
Haxe haxe, hx
Hy hy, hylang
Ini ini
Inform7 inform7, i7
IRPF90 irpf90
JSON json
Java java, jsp
JavaScript javascript, js, jsx
Leaf leaf
Lasso lasso, ls, lassoscript
Less less
LDIF ldif
Lisp lisp
LiveCode Server livecodeserver
LiveScript livescript, ls
Lua lua
Makefile makefile, mk, mak
Markdown markdown, md, mkdown, mkd
Mathematica mathematica, mma
Matlab matlab
Maxima maxima
Maya Embedded Language mel
Mercury mercury
Mizar mizar
Mojolicious mojolicious
Monkey monkey
Moonscript moonscript, moon
N1QL n1ql
NSIS nsis
Nginx nginx, nginxconf
Nimrod nimrod, nim
Nix nix
OCaml ocaml, ml
Objective C objectivec, mm, objc, obj-c
OpenGL Shading Language glsl
OpenSCAD openscad, scad
Oracle Rules Language ruleslanguage
Oxygene oxygene
PF pf, pf.conf
PHP php, php3, php4, php5, php6
Parser3 parser3
Perl perl, pl, pm
Pony pony
PowerShell powershell, ps
Processing processing
Prolog prolog
Protocol Buffers protobuf
Puppet puppet, pp
Python python, py, gyp
Python profiler results profile
Q k, kdb
QML qml
R r
RenderMan RIB rib
RenderMan RSL rsl
Roboconf graph, instances
Ruby ruby, rb, gemspec, podspec, thor, irb
Rust rust, rs
SCSS scss
SQL sql
STEP Part 21 p21, step, stp
Scala scala
Scheme scheme
Scilab scilab, sci
Shell shell, console
Smali smali
Smalltalk smalltalk, st
Stan stan
Stata stata
Stylus stylus, styl
SubUnit subunit
Swift swift
Test Anything Protocol tap
Tcl tcl, tk
TeX tex
Thrift thrift
TP tp
Twig twig, craftcms
TypeScript typescript, ts
VB.Net vbnet, vb
VBScript vbscript, vbs
VHDL vhdl
Vala vala
Verilog verilog, v
Vim Script vim
x86 Assembly x86asm
XL xl, tao
XQuery xpath, xq
Zephir zephir, zep

3. Mathematical Symbols

符号 编码 中文名称 英文名称
π π 圆周率 pi
< &lt; 小于 less-than sign
> &gt; 大于 greater-than sign
&le; 小于等于 less-than or equal to
&ge; 大于等于 greater-than or equal to
&#8810; 远小于 much less-than
&#8811; 远大于 much greater-than
× &times; 乘号 multiplication sign
÷ &divide; 除号 division sign
± &plusmn; 加减号 plus-minus sign
&infin; 无穷大 infinity
&ne; 不等号 not equal to
&equiv; 恒等于 identical to
&asymp; 约等号 almost equal to
&perp; 垂直 up tack
√2 &radic;2 根号 square root
ƒ(x) &fnof;(x) 函数式 function
30° 30&deg; 角度 degree
n2 n<sup>2</sup> 上标 superscript
log2x log<sub>2</sub>x 下标 subscript
&int; 积分 integral
Σ &Sigma; Sum
± &plusmn; 加减号 plus-minus sign
&exist; 存在 there exists
&#8708; 不存在 there does not exist
&empty; 空集 empty set
&isin; 属于 element of
&notin; 不属于 not an element of
&prod; 乘积 product
&cup; union
&cap; intersection
&and; 合取 logical and
&or; 析取 logical or
&there4; 所以 therefore
&#8757; 因为 because
&sub; 真子集 subset of
&nsub; 非真子集 not a subset of
&sube; 子集 subset of or equal to
&#8840; 非子集 neither a subset of nor equal to